Photo of the Week: Senior Staff Applauds Secretary Clinton

Posted by Sarah Goldfarb / January 11, 2013

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton is presented with a football helmet by the State Department’s senior leadership on her return to the office in Washington, D.C., January 7, 2013. Deputy Secretary Nides told Secretary Clinton: As you know, Washington is a contact sport. [State Department photo by Nick Merrill/ Public Domain]

Sarah Goldfarb serves as DipNote's Associate Editor.

Our "Photo of the Week" comes to us from Nick Merrill, who serves on the Secretary of State's strategic communications team and captured a moment during her senior staff meeting on Monday, January 7. During this staff meeting, the Secretary was greeted by a standing ovation from the 75 people assembled, including all of her deputies, under secretaries, assistant secretaries, and special envoys. Then, Deputy Secretary of State Tom Nides presented the Secretary with a gift box, which included a football helmet with the State Department seal and a football jersey with the number 112, which symbolizes the number of countries that she's visited as Secretary of State.

"...[The Secretary] loved it. She thought it was cool," State Department Spokesperson Victoria Nuland said. "But then, being Hillary Clinton, she wanted to get right to business. So we do what we always do in that meeting, went around the room, and she heard from everybody what they're working on and what's coming forward."

During the meeting, the Secretary and her team discussed a broad range of policies underway and particularly focused on President Karzai's visit to Washington, D.C. You can view more "behind the scenes" photographs from the Secretary's meeting with her senior staff, as well as President Karzai's visit, on the State Department's Flickr account.

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Eric in New Mexico writes:

@ Sarah G,

Good to see she's fully recovered from illness and injury...and back doing her thing @ State!

I guess if I were to offer her a citizen's advice on re-entering private life after such a public position of global would go something like this;

" Madam Secretary, you needn't worry about what the future will bring as you hand the dept over and transition out of being sec. of State, not because Sen. Kerry is fit and able to carry on the president's foreign policy, but because the Mayans were interpreted badly ...dead wrong as it were, and the world will take care of itself regardless of the idiots out there who would start wars and strive for chaos on a global scale.

As I...the citizen, consider this a "tag team" match...and Madam Secretary you are just "tagging up" in the great wrestling match between the sane and the insane.

I do belive you and the sane are winning, despite any claims to the contrary."

Best regards,


Posted on Sat Jan 12, 2013

Pam in West Virginia writes:

So glad to have her back,The world is going to miss a great diplomat.

Posted on Fri Jan 11, 2013

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