Combating Postharvest Loss: The Fight Against Global Hunger

DateTuesday, February 19, 2013 
Time09:00 (EST) | 14:00 (UTC)
 Time Zone Converter
Duration1h 30m
ThemesClimate Change, Economic Growth & Development, Economic Growth and Development, Education, Energy ,Environment, Science and Technology


According to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, by the year 2050, the world population is expected to reach 9 billion people, and demand for food will increase by 60%.  Increasing production is not enough.  Roughly 1/3 of the food produced in the world goes to waste – a staggering 1.3 billion tons every year.  The U.S. government has served as a global leader in this area, particularly through Feed the Future, President Obama’s global hunger and food security initiative. In this webcast, which will feature opening remarks by Jose Fernandez, Assistant Secretary of State for Economic and Business Affairs, learn about postharvest loss – what it is and how the private sector can help address this issue and fight global hunger.

Format: This program will be an interactive video webcast in English.  Please click on the URL above to participate.

Photo by Michelle O’Malley, Peace Corps Senegal

Jose Fernandez, Assistant Secretary of State for Economic and Business Affairs
agriculture CO.NX EB English Feed the Future food Food security global hunger interactive webcast Jose Fernandez post-harvest loss sustainability UNFAO USAID