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Program & Events 2011

Ambassador Kounalakis Visits Hungarian OMLT Training

April 11, 2011
Ambassador Kounalakis is officially greeted in Doc

Ambassador Kounalakis is officially greeted in Doc

On April 11, U.S. Ambassador to Hungary Eleni Tsakopoulos Kounalakis and Defense Attaché COL Robert W. Duggleby visited the shooting-range of Dóc, to watch the spectacular final exercise of the 6th rotation preparing to go to Afghanistan as part of the Hungarian Armed Forces' Operational Mentoring and Liaison Team (OMLT).

The Ambassador's interest in weapons is well-known: she requested very detailed information about all the firearms. She spoke appreciatively about the Hungarian made M1 sniper gun which was her favorite weapon during the try-outs.

At the end of the demonstration, she welcomed the troops preparing for Afghanistan. She said that she was satisfied with what she had seen, and highly appreciated the service of Hungarian and American soldiers in Afghanistan. She thinks the work the OMLT is doing in training the new Afghan armed forces is of great importance.