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High Assurance Platform Program:

Using Trusted Computing Technologies to Provide
Security in a Connected World

The High Assurance Platform® (HAP) Program is an NSA initiative to define a framework for the development of the "next generation" of secure computing platforms. These platforms leverage Trusted Computing technologies to dramatically improve protection for data, applications and networks – providing security in a connected world.

To date, the program has successfully demonstrated that commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) Trusted Computing technologies and techniques can be combined to create secure, assurable, manageable and usable computing platforms and components. Commercial workstations, network hardware and cloud-related technologies based on these innovations are available today. These COTS products enable the cost effective development of secure computing solutions and environments.

Benefits For Multiple Audiences
  • User Organizations
  • Technology Product Developers
  • Technology Product Integrators
What's New
Logo:  High Assurance Platform - Security in a Connected World
HAP security defeats
sophisticated attackers

Text Version

Learn about HAP Program Resources for IT Users, Product Developers, Integrators and other stakeholders


Date Posted: Jan 3, 2011 | Last Modified: Jul 12, 2011 | Last Reviewed: Jul 12, 2011


National Security Agency / Central Security Service