Thursday, April 9, 2009

Two Scabies Cases Reported at Boston Logan International Airport

We’ve received some e-mails as well as several blog comments asking us to address the Scabies incident at Boston Logan International Airport.

You just never know what you’re going to write about around here. Formaldehyde, tin mint cans, frozen monkey heads, pie, exploding chickens, scabies, what next? Please don’t answer that…

As Google will show you, scabies is not all that uncommon. Dermatologists estimate that more than 300 million cases of scabies occur worldwide every year. The disease can strike anyone of any race or age, regardless of personal hygiene.

With that said, here is the lowdown on what happened at BOS and how TSA reacted. I think you’ll find that we thoroughly and swiftly addressed the issue.

TSA management at BOS was made aware of 8 suspected cases of scabies. TSA management immediately reached out to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the Boston Public Health Commission and Massport. The Boston Public Health Commission informed TSA that only 2 of the 8 suspected cases were actually confirmed cases of scabies, and one of those cases was described as “mild.”

CDC and Public Health inspectors visited the airport and provided advice on how to proceed, ensuring every precaution was being taken. The Boston Public Health Commission also sent an Environmental Specialist to perform an onsite assessment.

Health experts have continued to tell TSA that transmission to passengers is highly improbable given that prolonged skin to skin contact is required. Keep in mind, TSOs are required to wear gloves during the screening process while handling passengers’ belongings. You can always request that a TSO change gloves prior to a bag search or pat down.

TSA worked with Massport to ensure the checkpoints, break rooms and other offices where these employees are assigned were professionally cleaned, including the floors and carpets.

Information on scabies (provided by the CDC) was shared with the TSA workforce, including recommendations on how to protect oneself. Employees were all instructed to wash their uniforms and coats as well as other personal belongings before bringing them back to work.

Blogger Bob

EoS Blog Team

Update ***04/09/2009 10:10 PM***

I have just been informed that 3 more cases have been confirmed at BOS. If there are any new developments, I'll post them here on the blog. ~ Blogger Bob

Update ***04/10/2009 1:17 PM***

TSA has provided details on these new cases to the Infectious Disease Bureau of the Boston Public Health Commission for their vetting and also made arrangements to have another checkpoint professionally cleaned. Additionally a local hotline for communicable diseases is available for personnel at the airport and for the general public to address any concerns (617-534-5611 or Again, health experts have continued to tell TSA that transmission to passengers is highly improbable given that prolonged skin to skin contact is required. ~ Blogger Bob

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Welcome New Blog Team Members

Many of our officers have participated on this blog and spent their own time helping to answer your questions. They’ve been a huge help. It’s great to have some folks on the blog who are actually out there working at our checkpoints.

With that said, it’s with great pleasure that I announce to you the three newest members of the TSA Blog Team. Our regular readers will know them well as Kelly-Mae, (Kelly, TSO at Louisville International Airport) Happy 2 Help, (Tim, TSO at Sacramento International Airport) and GSOLTSO. (West, LTSO at Piedmont Triad International Airport)

They will not serve as moderators, so please don’t beat them up for what does or doesn’t get posted. They’ll continue what they’ve been doing, (responding to comments) and on occasion will write a blog post here and there.

Here are their bios. I have also posted them on the “Meet Our Bloggers” page.


Hi, I'm Tim and I joined TSA in mid 2007. I'm currently a Transportation Security Officer at Sacramento International Airport (SMF) and take great pride in the support I receive.
I come from a US Army military intelligence background and am a combat veteran of Operation Iraqi Freedom. As a Non-Commissioned Officer (NCO), I specialized in Imagery Intelligence (IMINT) and junior level analysis.

On September 11, I was one of the many US Army soldiers patrolling Fort Huachuca checking military IDs. Holding my M16-A2, I knew the United States was going to change and I would do everything in my power to make sure it changed for the good. Public service has been a great honor for me.

In my free time, I am a proud family man, hobbyist programmer, like to collaborate on open source software, and am currently finishing up my degree in software engineering.


Hi, my name is West, and I started with TSA in February of 2005. I work at GSO (Piedmont Triad International Airport in Greensboro, NC) and truly enjoy working at my airport. I was hired on as a Transportation Security Officer (TSO) and have since been promoted to Lead Transportation Security Officer (LTSO). I have worked as an On the Job Training (OJT) Monitor, and have been training new TSO’s since my first year with TSA.

I live in Greensboro, NC with my significantly better half Charlene, Jacob and Esau (the two cats that actually own the house), and Montana and Darwin (the dogs that are a pair of walking comedy reels).

Prior to working with the TSA, I put in 8 years with the US Army as a Military Police Officer. I also put in 8 years as a Silversmith Apprentice and am now a Journeyman Silversmith. My hobbies include sitting on a pier/boat with a fishing pole and being able to fix broken metal things.


Hey ya’ll (yep, I’m from KY).… My name is Kelly (KellyMae) and I have been with TSA at Louisville International Airport since Dec 2006. In my two years, I have enjoyed working with the public and have helped to train other TSOs. I work part-time and half of my time is spent on the checkpoint and the other half screening checked bags.

Before TSA, I worked mostly in restaurants. Until TSA, that is pretty much all I knew and I enjoyed it very much. Working with the public since I was 15 has helped me to develop great customer service skills that I apply to my job every day and try to utilize when helping out on this blog as well.

I have always enjoyed working with people, but outside of work, my true passion is animals. My boyfriend and I have an Australian Shepherd and a cat, who don't get along of course. I also love taking pictures and have been thinking about ways to combine my passions. Until then, I will be here and hope to be more helpful in answering your questions and giving feedback.


Blogger Bob

EoS Blog Team

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

What In the Heck Does That Person Do: TSA Customer Support & Quality Improvement Manager (CSQIM)

First off, I decided the use of “A Day in the Life Of” was cliché, so I changed it to “What in the Heck Does That Person Do?” It’s going to be a long running series highlighting various TSA positions across the nation. Our first one was a few weeks ago with Jim’s Transportation Security Inspector post.

For this installment, I reached out to Paul who works with TSA at the Orlando International airport. Paul is the Customer Support & Quality Improvement Manager.

So, what in the heck does he do? Let’s find out…

Blogger Bob: When, why and how should a passenger contact a TSA Customer Support Manager?

Paul: Should travelers require additional information or care to share more detailed concerns or express a compliment related to their experience, they can reach me through the TSA Contact Center, Got Feedback, or complete a Comment Card. Passengers can always leave general feedback on the TSA blog.

Blogger Bob: You mentioned comment cards. Some of our readers in the past have posted comments stating that they were required to show a supervisor their ID prior to receiving a comment card. Should this happen?

Paul: Not that I’m aware of. Passengers are welcome to submit a comment card without fear of retribution. Naturally we do receive a number of ‘anonymous’ cards. We review them and then share comments with the workforce.

Bob: I actually knew the answer to that one in advance. I was just testing you. That’s one of the main things that lit the fire for us to launch Got Feedback. We cringed when we read that passengers were being required to show their ID prior to receiving a comment card. Speaking of Got Feedback, I notice that you’re really active with the Got Feedback program. Your airport is among the top 10 most popular airports in the Got Feedback program. Tell me a little about your experiences with Got Feedback and how the program is working out for Orlando International Airport. Are problems resolved faster when a passenger uses Got Feedback?

Paul: Yes, we do resolve them more efficiently. It provides a quick snap shot of the issue with easy contact info to initiate a reply to the traveler. We receive all types of inquiries: What can I take on a plane, lost items, why was my prohibited item taken, rude, inattentive employees etc. I do want to note that we actually do receive compliments and requests for advance assistance through the passengers with disabilities lane.
Traveler concerns are important to us and we take great pride in working to address their inquiries. Keep in mind that more than 40 million travelers process through the Orlando International Airport annually … that is a LOT of feedback!

Blogger Bob: Which Disney character has the most difficulty with airport security and why?

Paul: Sleepy (For obvious reasons) and Buzz Lightyear because he always needs to undergo secondary inspection. (Can’t divest!)

Blogger Bob: What did you do prior to working for TSA?

Paul: 33 years with the Government. 26 years with US Customs (Law Enforcement, Customs Inspector, Supervisor, Passenger Service Representative) and 7 years with TSA. (Started 2 months after the federal roll out) It’s also important to mention our program assistant Bill has spent 35 years working for the Government. 28 years with the Air Force. (Aircraft Maintenance Manager/stock clerk in grocery store) 7 years with TSA.

Blogger Bob: As a customer support manager, do you coordinate with passengers who have special needs to help make their travel experience a little better?

Paul: We provide support to travelers with special needs as well as to support local community groups. We are sensitive to providing the utmost attention to travelers with disabilities and children who may require special attention as well as wounded soldiers. As this is a tourist destination, you can image that we are busy working to provide necessary support. We also work with our airport stakeholders to coordinate various travel groups. Recently, we became aware of a local high school girls softball team (15th in the country) that was traveling to California for the tournament. We gave them a rousing send off! Our partnership with the airport and the local community has greatly improved the perception / image that travelers have of TSA.

Blogger Bob: I think that’s great that passengers with special needs can plan ahead and coordinate their travel. I’m sure that makes things much easier for all involved. What is the one best piece of advice you could give to a traveler?

Paul: Divest your items before entering the checkpoint.

Blogger Bob: Like what? The usual phones, keys and change? Do people still forget to do this? I imagine that could hold the line up quite a bit.

Paul: Yes … these items still become the most frequently forgotten items. It does impede the throughput quite a bit.

Blogger Bob: How often is a Transportation Security Officer accused of theft by a passenger who later finds the misplaced item and notifies you?

Paul: We rarely hear of this when it happens because they are too embarrassed to call back. One was a contact we received from an older woman who did call back to tell us that the missing envelope containing one thousand dollars was located on her kitchen table when she returned home. Her husband packed the luggage and forgot the envelope!

Blogger Bob: I get to read the incoming Got Feedback emails from all of the airports around the nation and I see this does happen from time to time. I just wanted to add that it’s much appreciated when the passenger calls back to admit the mistake, because it halts investigations and clears any officers who may have been wrongly accused of theft.
Blogger Bob: What is the oddest experience you have had as a TSA Customer Support Manager?

Paul: A traveler called stating that a mouse was found in her checked baggage. She later called back to say that her husband had killed the mouse and her cat placed it next to the laundry pile with all of the unpacked dirty clothes!

Blogger Bob: Ha! I hope it wasn’t Mickey or Minnie. It’s been great talking with you and I’m sure our readers will enjoy our interview. Thanks for taking the time to talk with me. I know you and Bill are extremely busy. By the way, I don’t care what Snopes says, I know Walt Disney is cryogenically frozen in a secret compartment beneath the Magic Kingdom. \
Please note this is not an interview with Blogger Paul from DC. This is an interview with Customer Support Paul in Orlando. ~ Bob

Friday, April 3, 2009

Incident at St. Louis International Airport

At approximately 6:50 p.m. on March 29, 2009, a metal box alarmed the X-ray machine at Lambert-St. Louis International Airport, triggering the need for additional screening. Because the box contained a number of items including a large amount of cash, all of which needed to be removed to be properly screened, it was deemed more appropriate to continue the screening process in a private area. A Transportation Security Administration (TSA) employee and members of the St. Louis Airport Police Department can be heard on the audio recording. The tone and language used by the TSA employee was inappropriate. TSA holds its employees to the highest professional standards. TSA will continue to investigate this matter and take appropriate action.

Movements of large amounts of cash through the checkpoint may be investigated by law enforcement authorities if criminal activity is suspected. As a general rule, passengers are required to cooperate with the screening process. Cooperation may involve answering questions about their property, including why they are carrying a large sum of cash. A passenger who refuses to answer questions may be referred to appropriate authorities for further inquiry.


EoS Blog Team

Click here to view Comments 201 & above.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Can I Take Photos at the Checkpoint and Airport?

Unfortunately, there isn't a cookie cutter answer that can be applied to all of our screening locations and airports. It’s important to note that we know there’s a difference between someone taking a casual photo and someone doing surveillance, but if you are taking pictures at or near the checkpoint, don’t be surprised if someone (TSA, airport police, or a curious passenger) asks you what you’re up to.

We don’t prohibit public, passengers or press from photographing, videotaping, or filming at screening locations. You can take pictures at our checkpoints as long as you’re not interfering with the screening process or slowing things down. We also ask that you do not film or take pictures of our monitors.

However… while the TSA does not prohibit photographs at screening locations, local laws, state statutes, or local ordinances might. Your best bet is to call ahead and see what that specific airport’s policy is.

I suggest you use the Got Feedback program to directly contact the Customer Support Manager at the airport you’re going to be traveling through. They will have an answer for you and if they don’t, they can connect you with somebody who does. Of course, if you’re a member of the press, you should contact the TSA Office of Public Affairs.

I’ve taken photographs in checkpoints, terminals, and on planes and I have never had an issue. I know some of you have and hopefully this information helps you a little.

Bob Burns

If you have a travel related issue or question that needs an immediate answer, you can contact us by clicking here.