The Medical Protection System (MEDPROS) was developed by AMEDD to track all Immunizations, medical readiness and deployable data for all Active and Reserve components of the Army as well as DA Civilians, contractor and others.  It is a powerful tool allowing chain of commands to determine the medical and dental readiness of individuals, units and task forces.  Commander’s and medical leaders at various echelons are responsible for the use and implementation of MEDPROS to measure their unit/individual medical readiness status.

The comprehensive Medical Readiness data includes all medical and dental readiness requirements IAW AR 600-8-101.  They include immunizations, permanent physical profiles/duty limitations, eyeglass/inserts, blood type, medical warning tags, personal deployment meds, pregnancy screening, DNA, HIV and dental status among other data elements.

Army designed MEDPROS to give the commanders a real-time/worldwide operational system to manage their Individual/Unit Medical Readiness and deployability status.   Commanders at all levels are able to track medical and dental readiness by Unit Identification Code (UIC), SSN or Taskforce.