Welcome to the Winn Media Gallery. Please check back here often for newly updated video footage here at the Winn facility. Don’t forget to check out our Image Gallery as well. New Galleries are being loaded all the time!

Winn Army Community Hospital Best Medic Competition!




Winn Videos  
Winn Army Hospital Experiencing a Baby Boom!
Patient CaringTouch System
MEDDAC Tabacco Free Campus
Winn ACH Exercise Program Winn ACH Exercise Program
Winn ACH Pharmacy Winn ACH Pharmacy
Warfighter Rapid Eye Surgery Program Warfighter Rapid Eye Surgery Program
Martin Luther King Celebration Martin Luther King Celebration
Call Center Call Center
Family Practice Clinic Family Practice Clinic
Make A Difference Day Make A Difference Day
Memorial Hospital Memorial Hospital
Mother Baby Unit Mother Baby Unit
Obstetric/Maternal Child Healthcare Obstetric/Maternal Child Healthcare
OB/GYN H1N1 Vaccine OB/GYN H1N1 Vaccine
Driving Safety Driving Safety
Wounded Warrior Day Wounded Warrior Day
Radiology - MRI Safety Radiology – MRI Safety