BES News & Resources


BES 2011 Summary
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Basic Energy Sciences 2011 Summary Report

This report describes how BES is organized and operates to accomplish our mission and presents selected accomplishments to illustrate some exciting new scientific advances that resulted from BES-supported research. Also included are references to supplementary resources that provide additional information about BES strategic planning, research, and user facilities.

PDF file of this brochure.pdf file (2.2MB)| Higher resolution.pdf file (32.5MB)


To ensure that the most scientifically promising research is supported, the BES program engages in long-range planning and prioritization, which rely heavily on input from external sources including workshops and meetings of the scientific community, advice from the federally chartered Basic Energy Sciences Advisory Committee (BESAC), Interagency Working Groups, and reports from other groups such as the National Academy of Sciences.

Some of the recent BES-sponsored workshop reports with broad, cross-disciplinary implications are provided here. Other BES-related workshop and technical reports more specific to BES Core Research Activities may be found on BES Division web pages.

Basic Research Needs Reports
Listing of recent BES-sponsored workshop reports that address the current status and possible future directions of some important research areas. These reports include those resulting from The "Basic Research Needs" Workshop Series.pdf file (1.3MB) (PDF, 35 pp, 1.3 MB) that are used to help identify research directions for a decades-to-century energy plan.

BES Workshop Reports
BES-sponsored workshop reports that address the status of some important research areas. These reports do not include those resulting from the "Basic Research Needs" (BRN) Workshop series (above).

Brief abstracts of recent BES-sponsored workshop reports that address the current status and possible future directions of some important research areas

Last modified: 2/13/2012 7:46:25 AM