Newcomer Information

Newcomer Information


Welcome to United States Army Central, Coalition Forces Land Component Command, Shaw AFB, South Carolina. We are most pleased to have you as a member of our team. You are joining an exceptional unit that performs its mission with skill and has great pride in its accomplishments.

You are required to in-process Special Troops Battalion, S1 before you sign in with your section. After you sign in, your section representative will assist you with the additional activities required for in-processing.

Signing In/In-processing

During duty hours report to the Special Troops Battalion, S1, Personnel Administration Center at HQ, USARCENT/CFLCC on 1 Gabreski Drive, Shaw AFB, SC 29152 (COMM 803-885-8022/8047).

During non-duty hours report to the Access Control Services main reception desk at HQ, USARCENT/CFLCC and report to the Personnel Administration Center the next working day (COMM 803-885-8063/8064 or DSN 895-2510).

Soldiers must have the following documentation for in-processing:

  • Soldier's Military Personnel File (201 file)
  • DA Form 31, Leave Form
  • Copy of orders
  • Copy of last evaluation
  • ID card
  • ID tags
  • Uniform
    • The normal duty uniform for USARCENT is the ACU (Army Combat Uniform). The ACU uniforms will be issued during in-processing to those Soldiers who have not previously been issued the ACU.

Directions to Shaw AFB are contained on the Visitor Information web page.


Housing and community service information is contained on the Shaw AFB web page at


Sumter School District
Sumter School District - Promoting Excellence 2011 - 2012
Sumter School District - Promoting Excellence 2012 - 2013

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