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Ass't Sec'y & Haefling v. United Parcel Service, 1998-STA-6 (ALJ Aug. 19, 1999)

U.S. Department of LaborOffice of Administrative Law Judges
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Date: August 19, 1999

Case No.: 1998-STA-6

In the Matter of

    Prosecuting Party





    Administrative Law Judge


   This proceeding arises under Section 31105 of the Surface Transportation Assistance Act (STAA) of 1982 (49 U.S.C. § 31101) and the regulations promulgated thereunder [29 C.F.R. Part 1978 (1989)]. The parties, on August 11, 1999, filed a Settlement Agreement in accordance with 29 C.F.R. § 1978.111(d)(2). The Agreement resolves the controversy arising from the complaint of Jack M. Haefling under the statute. The Settlement Agreement is signed by the complainant and his counsel, by Respondent's counsel, and also by counsel for the Prosecuting Party.

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   Under the STAA and implementing regulations, a proceeding may be terminated on the basis of a settlement provided either the Secretary or the Administrative Law Judge approves the agreement. 49 U.S.C. app. § 2305(c)(2)(A); 29 C.F.R. § 1978.111(d)(2). The parties must submit for review an entire agreement to which each party has consented. Tankersley v. Triple Crown Services, Inc. 92-STA-8 (Sec'y Feb. 18, 1993). The agreement must be reviewed to determine whether the terms are a fair, adequate and reasonable settlement of the complaint. Macktal v. Secretary of Labor, 923 F.2d 1150 (5th Cir. 1991); Thompson v. U.S. Department of Labor, 885 F.2d 551 (9th Cir. 1989); Fuchko and Yunker v. Georgia Power Co., Case Nos. 89-ERA-9, 89-ERA-10, Sec'y Ord. Mar. 23, 1989, slip op. at 1-2. This Order approving the settlement is final since all parties have joined in the Agreement. Swischer v. Gerber Childrenswear, Inc., 93-STA-1 (Sec'y Jan. 4, 1993).

   I find the overall settlement terms to be reasonable but some clarification is necessary. The Agreement contains a strict confidentiality provision limiting all disclosures excepting under certain stated circumstances. The Agreement contains a provision that it does not preclude the Complainant from cooperating with any investigation by a federal, state or local administrative agency. Paragraph 5 of the Agreement provides that Mr. Haefling is not to disclose the existence of the Agreement nor the terms of the Agreement with any third party. It has been held in a number of cases with respect to confidentiality provisions in Settlement Agreements that the Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. § 552 (1988) (FOIA) requires federal agencies to disclose requested documents unless they are exempt from disclosure. Faust v. Chemical Leaman Tank Lines, Inc., Case Nos. 92-SWD-2 and 93-STA-15, ARB Final Order Approving Settlement and Dismissing Complaint, March 31, 1998. The records in this case are agency records which must be made available for public inspection and copying under the Freedom of Information Act.

   The Agreement reveals that it may encompass the settlement of matters involving laws other than the STAA. One of the preliminary paragraphs makes reference to a settlement of the matter pending before the Department of Labor and "all other claims and disputes" between Complainant and the Respondent. As was stated in Poulos v. Ambassador Fuel Oil Co., Inc., Case No. 86-CAA-1, Sec. Order, (Nov. 2, 1987):

[The Secretary's] authority over the settlement agreement is limited to such statutes as are within [the Secretary's] jurisdiction and is defined by the applicable statute. See Aurich v. Consolidated Edison Company of New York, Inc., Case No. [86-]CAA-2, Secretary's Order Approving Settlement, issued July 29, 1987; Chase v. Buncombe County, N.C., Case No. 85-SWD-4, Secretary's Order on Remand, issued November 3, 1986.

I have therefore limited my review of this Agreement to determining whether the terms thereof are a fair, adequate and reasonable settlement of Mr. Haefling's allegation that Respondent had violated the STAA.

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   The Agreement also notes at Paragraph 7 that it is governed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the state of Ohio. That provision is interpreted as not limiting the authority of the Secretary or any U.S. District Court to seek or grant appropriate relief under any applicable federal whistleblower statute or regulation. Phillips v. Citizens Assoc. for Sound Energy, Case No. 91-ERA-25, Sec. Final Order of Dismissal (Nov. 4, 1991).

   As so construed, I find the terms of the Agreement to be fair, adequate and reasonable, and therefore approve it. Accordingly, the complaint filed by Jack M. Haefling is hereby dismissed with prejudice.

       Rudolf L. Jansen
       Administrative Law Judge

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