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Preventing the Worst

"Preventing the Worst" is a segment of the CNN program "Situation Room", focused on Argonne technologies with anti-terrorism applications. Passive millimeter-wave spectroscopy is one of the technologies featured in the report. The report was aired in December 2006 and it is no longer available on CNN's web site. Here you may find a copy of that video.

Jeanne Meserve from CNN's "Situation Room" conducted interviews with Argonne experts, one among them being Sami Gopalsami. The second part of the video (about 58s after the start of the video) shows the award winning "Passive millimeter-wave spectroscope" and some data collection.

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Video Duration: 00:01:57 | Size: 8.6MB | Smaller Size (320x240, Flash)


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For more information:


Nachappa "Sami" Gopalsami
Detection & Diagnostic Systems Dept
Sensors & Instrumentation Section
Fax:  +1 630-252-3250

Argonne Experts Argonne Experts: N. Gopalsami

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