Making Global Local - Building Partnerships, Supporting U.S. Jobs, Growing U.S. Exports


Making Global Local

Making Global Local is an initiative designed to connect towns and cities across the country with USTDA's export-promoting programs. Over the past year, U.S. companies have increasingly targeted emerging economies as export destinations. Given its unique role, USTDA is perfectly positioned to support U.S. businesses interested in entering or expanding their presence in developing and middle-income countries.

The hallmark of USTDA assistance is establishing links between U.S. companies and foreign project sponsors, bringing proven private sector solutions to development challenges abroad. Last year alone, USTDA supported 5o reverse trade missions to the United States that connected more than 600 foreign delegates with over 1,000 U.S. company representatives across the country.

The aim of Making Global Local is to increase the number of U.S. businesses that are benefitting from the Agency's programs in order to expand their exports to emerging markets and create high-paying jobs in their communities. To accomplish this goal, USTDA is forging new and innovative partnerships with business development and trade promotion organizations across the country.

Along with our colleagues throughout the federal government, USTDA is fully committed to helping U.S. businesses build things here and sell them everywhere. We look forward to continuing our successful collaboration with our partners amongst federal, state, and local governments, the U.S. business community, and overseas stakeholders by Making Global Local for communities across the United States.

Energy officials from Turkey tour E-Solar's power facility in Lancaster, CA, on a USTDA-sponsored reverse trade mission. Iraq oil and gas sector representatives tour the ValvTechnologies headquarters in Houston, Texas, on a USTDA-sponsored reverse trade mission. A delegation from Kenya learn about technology used to defend against cyber attacks at SonicWALL in Silicon Valley, CA. USTDA linked energy officials from South Africa with U.S. companies like Comverge in Atlanta, GA, to learn more about Smart Grid technology. Chinese delegates join a USTDA emergency medical response reverse trade mission to learn about technology and best practices.


Interested in becoming a Making Global Local Partner Organization? By building strategic partnerships, USTDA and local business organizations can support the creation of high-paying jobs through the growth of U.S. exports.

If you are committed to this goal and have local market knowledge, we want to partner with you! By understanding the Agency's programs, partner organizations can help companies in their communities maximize the benefits of working with USTDA.

Examples of partner organizations include:

  • State, county, and city governmental entities
  • Local non-profit economic development organizations
  • Small Business Development Centers
  • World Trade Centers
  • Academic institutions

Benefits of Becoming a Making Global Local partner organization include:

  • Recognition as a Making Global Local partner organization on USTDA's website
  • Direct delivery of USTDA news & events
  • Access to a network of regional and industry experts to speak at events
  • Opportunity to co-host USTDA roundtables
  • Support for joint marketing and outreach campaigns

Contact us to learn how USTDA's program can expand exports sales in your community by becoming a Making Global Local partner organization. We look forward to working with you!

Leila Aridi Afas, Director for Export Promotion
Christine Campigotto, Strategic Communications Manager

Or call us at (703) 875-4357