Site Rules and Policies

Welcome to Middle East Voices – an outreach and engagement platform brought to you by Voice of America. Here, you’ll find our online community of experts, bloggers, citizen journalists and all others who care deeply about issues relating to the Middle East. This is your platform. Collaborate with us to create a unique new form of journalism – one that listens.

Commenting Policy

In an effort to promote dialogue and free and open discussion, we have adopted very liberal commenting policies. However, there are limits.

• Our comments are powered by Disqus and Facebook Comments. This platform allows the community to flag inappropriate comments. Profanity and inappropriate images are automatically filtered out.

• You should comment in English.

• You cannot promote violent action, attack people personally, intimidate anyone or engage in any form of hate language, racist remarks or statements whose sole intent is to ridicule or chastise any individual or group. Comments of this type will be redacted or removed.

• You cannot support or promote terrorism.

• You cannot engage in SCREAMING (commenting in all capital letters).

• You cannot use insults, labels or offensive language of any kind.

• Some comments may be edited for length (through the use of ellipses).

• Violation of the above policies can result in blacklisting.

All in all, you will win respect by ensuring that your comments contribute to intelligent and insightful conversation vis-a-vis opposing points of view. We do our best to monitor and address possible violations of our stated Commenting policies. Should you identify one that we might have missed, please bring it to our attention and briefly indicate the nature of the possible violation. Please e-mail us a link to the post with the comment in question through our Submit page.

To contact us, please use the form below: