United States Department of Veterans Affairs
MIRECC Centers



Development of an Intervention for Soldiers and Veterans with Co-Occurring Traumatic Brain Injury and Substance Use Disorders

Updated: 7 September 2011

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Study Description and Background

Background: TBI and substance abuse (SA) have been found to be inextricably linked such that individuals with TBI frequently have pre- and post-injury SA problems (Bogner, 2001; Corrigan, 1995, 2001) and individuals with SA are at greater risk for sustaining TBIs (Bombardier, et al, 2002; Kolakowsky-Hayner, et al, 1999). Further, these individuals may be at greater risk for subsequent injury and/or psychosocial and psychiatric problems (Oquendo, et al., , 2004; SAMHSA, 2005 ). As such, an increased need for specialty substance abuse treatment services exists.

Problem: Options that address TBI related issues within the context of SA treatment are limited (National Association on Alcohol and Drugs & Disability, 1998). Additionally, TBI sequelae can present unique challenges and barriers to care when treating SA disorders. As such, it is necessary to create an intervention that addresses SA problems in light of TBI -related deficits.

Purpose: To design a novel SA intervention and related treatment manual for individuals who served in the military and have co-occurring mild TBI and susbstance use disorders. The treatment approach will combine evidence-based SA intervention combined with an existing SA treatment program for individuals with TBI. Once developed, this intervention will be studied for feasibility, efficacy and effectiveness.


Hypotheses, Study Aims, and Short-term Goals

The primary aims of this study are:

  1. Expertise Development:
    • A team of experts will convene and create a treatment approach tailored for Soldiers an Veterans to improve substance use problems and overall psychosocial functioning postdeployment
  2. Treatment Development:
    • Creation of a SA intervention for those with co-occurring mild TBI and SA problems utilizing existing treatment strategies
  3. Manual Development
    • A treatment manual and associated educational materials will be developed for use by clinicians.
  4. Expertise Dissemination
    • Findings regarding the expert panel consensus, as well as a description of the development of treatment will be documented and presented to professionals.
  5. Treatment Evaluation
    • The panel will design a follow-up feasibility study in the form of a grant application.

Progress Report

A treatment manual has been developed and will be implemented in a pilot study to assess feasibility.


Long-term Goals:
Putting Research into Practice

Given the number of Soldiers and Veterans who have sustained mild TBIs and also are at risk for SA disorders, it is critical and timely to develop and disseminate treatment that will support a return to healthy life functioning and full participation in society.

Further feasibility, efficacy and effectiveness testing of the created intervention will be completed. Support would form the basis for wide-spread dissemination and implementation.


Research Contact

Parri Hinton, BA
CONTACT PHONE: 303.399.8020 x 4467
CONTACT EMAIL: Parri.Hinton@va.gov

Research Team

Principal Investigator:
Jennifer Olson-Madden, PhD
Lisa Brenner, PhD, ABPP
Chad Emrick, PhD
John Corrigan, PhD, ABPP-Rp
Peter Britton, PhD
Jeri Forster, PhD
Research Coordinator:
Parri Hinton, BA


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