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ED510491 - Teacher Attitudes about Performance Incentives in Texas: Early Reactions to the GEEG Program. Research Brief

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ERIC #:ED510491
Title:Teacher Attitudes about Performance Incentives in Texas: Early Reactions to the GEEG Program. Research Brief
Descriptors:IncentivesEvaluationProgram ImplementationTeacher AttitudesGrantsTeaching MethodsSurveysCooperationProfessional DevelopmentStudent Evaluation of Teacher Performance
Source:National Center on Performance Incentives
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Publisher:National Center on Performance Incentives. Peabody College of Vanderbilt University, PMB #43, 230 Appleton Place, Nashville, TN 37203. Tel: 615-322-5538; Fax: 615-322-6018; e-mail:; Web site:
Publication Date:2008-07-00
Pub Types:Reports - Evaluative
Abstract:A recent report published by the National Center on Performance Incentives (NCPI) presents findings from the first-year evaluation of the Governor's Educator Excellence Grant (GEEG) program, one of several statewide educator incentive programs in Texas. Findings are based on surveys administered to GEEG teachers during the 2006-07 school year, the first year of program implementation. Surveys addressed the implementation process of schools' GEEG programs, teachers' attitudes toward performance incentives in general and GEEG specifically, and teachers' attitudes toward one another and their students since the inception of their schools' GEEG programs. This policy brief focuses specifically on teachers' attitudes toward performance incentives in general and the GEEG program. [This research brief describes work performed by the National Center on Performance Incentives and documented in "Governor's Educator Excellence Grant Program: Year One Evaluation Report", by Matthew G. Springer, Michael J. Podgursky, Jessica L. Lewis, Mark W. Ehlert, Catherine Gardner, Bonnie Ghosh-Dastidar, Omar S. Lopez, Christine H. Patterson, and Lori L. Taylor.]
Reference Count:0

Record Type:Non-Journal
Institutions:Vanderbilt University, National Center on Performance Incentives
Sponsors:Institute of Education Sciences (ED)
Education Level:N/A
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