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Coal & Power Systems
Reference Shelf

Below are links to recent Strategic Center for Coal (SCC) related documents and reference materials. Each technology area within the SCC also has a reference shelf. Click on the following links to directly access these technology-specific reference shelves.
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  2012 Technology Readiness Assessment—Analysis of Active Research Portfolio  
2012 Technology Readiness Assessment—Analysis of Active Research Portfolio [PDF-7.27MB] (Dec 19, 2012)
Consistent with ongoing efforts to supply policy makers with clear information in a form more amenable for them to gauge the maturity of carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS) technologies, the National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) has undertaken an assessment of its “key technologies.” The Department of Energy-Fossil Energy Technology Readiness Assessment Guide (DOE-FE Guide1) served as the basis for a comprehensive and formal evaluation of the maturity of NETL’s key technologies. This effort involved a three-step process:

  2012 Technology Readiness Assessment—Overview  
2012 Technology Readiness Assessment—Overview [PDF-2.02MB] (Dec 19, 2012)
Consistent with ongoing efforts to supply policy makers with clear information in a form more amenable for them to gauge the maturity of carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS) technologies, the National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) has undertaken an assessment of its “key technologies.” The Department of Energy-Fossil Energy Technology Readiness Assessment Guide (DOE-FE Guide1) served as the basis for a comprehensive and formal evaluation of the maturity of NETL’s key technologies. This effort involved a three-step process:

  NCP Cover  
Tracking New Coal-Fired Power Plants Report [PDF-2.8MB] (July 12, 2011)
This report is intended to provide an overview of proposed new coal-fired power plants that are under consideration.  The focus of the report is on those power plant development activities achieving significant progress toward completion, in order to more accurately assess the ability of this segment of the power generation industry to support adequate electricity capacity in various regions of the U.S.

  FutureGen Project Final Environmental Impact Statement  
FutureGen Project Final Environmental Impact Statement (Nov 2007)
The Final Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the FutureGen Project provides information about the potential environmental impacts of the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) proposal to provide federal funding to the FutureGen Alliance, Inc. (Alliance) for the FutureGen Project.

Fossil Energy Cost and Performance Baseline Studies
  Cost and Performance Baseline for Fossil Energy Power Plants  
The goal of Fossil Energy research, development, and demonstration (RD&D) is to ensure the availability of ultra-clean (zero emissions), abundant, and low-cost domestic electricity and energy, to fuel economic prosperity and strengthen energy security.  To this end, we must attain technological advances to greatly improve the efficiency of energy use derived from fossil fuels, while at the same time significantly reduce the impact on the environment, such as reducing the long-term impact of fossil fuel use on the global climate.  It is possible to establish baseline performance and cost estimates for today’s fossil energy plants by looking at the current state of technology.  The studies listed on this page provide up-to-date estimates for the cost and performance of combustion and gasification based power plants, as well as options for co-generating synthetic natural gas and fuels, all with and without carbon dioxide capture and storage.
Results of these “Fossil Energy Cost and Performance Baseline Studies” studies are presented in three volumes:
  Volume 1: Bituminous Coal and Natural Gas to Electricity
Volume 2: Coal to Synthetic Natural Gas (Various Coal Ranks)
Volume 3: Low-rank Coal to Electricity
These results are considered to be the most comprehensive set of publicly available data to date.  More analyses will be added and existing reports updated as necessary, to keep this information as current as possible. Visit this page frequently to see the latest in baseline performance and cost estimates.

NETL Annual Accomplishments Report
The NETL Annual Accomplishments Report for fiscal year 2006 [PDF-1.9MB] highlights advances in fossil energy-related research and technology breakthroughs, and their impact on resolving environmental, supply, and reliability constraints of producing and using fossil resources. Success stories include clean coal demonstration projects, commercial fuel cell plants, technologies to reduce emissions from fossil-fuel-fired power plants, improved drilling technology, and advances in simulation and modeling to assist the development of advanced energy systems. Another highlight is a description of the NETL-Sponsored project that won awards for innovation.
NETL Annual Accomplishments Report

Clean Coal Technology Program Update 2007 [PDF-2.7MB]
Clean Coal Technology Program Update

DOE’s Clean Coal Technology Programs: Program Update 2007 provides an up-to-date status of Clean Coal Technology Demonstration Program (CCTDP), Power Plant Improvement Initiative (PPII) and Clean Coal Power Initiative (CCPI) projects.

Program Update 2007 provides:

  • A discussion of the role of clean coal technology demonstrations in improving the Nation’s energy security and reliability, while protecting the environment using the Nation’s most abundant resource – coal;
  • A summary of the funding and costs of the demonstrations; and
  • An overview of the technologies being demonstrated, with fact sheets for demonstration projects that are active, recently completed, withdrawn, or ended, as of September 2007.

Clean Coal Technology Roadmap
The Clean Coal Technology Roadmap [PDF-497KB] is the DOE’s plan to develop the technology needed for future energy plants that:
Clean Coal Technology Roadmap
  • Use coal to produce electricity and, when economically favored,
    transportation fuels and other energy products;
  • Have near-zero emissions including CO2; Are highly efficient; and
  • Have costs comparable to today’s technology.
The Roadmap was developed cooperatively by NETL and the coal and power industry, notably the Coal Utilization Research Council and the Electric Power Research Institute.  This Roadmap effectively supports the Administration’s coal initiatives, including Clear Skies, Clean Coal Power, Climate Change, Energy Security, and Hydrogen/CO2 Sequestration (the FutureGen effort.)
A background [PDF-1.2KB] document providing perspectiv es on development of this Roadmap is also available.

Coal and Power Systems Strategic and Multi-Year Program Plans

Coal and Power Systems Strategic and Multi-Year Program Plans

February 2001
This document [PDF-8.8MB] describes how the DOE Office of Fossil Energy Coal and Power Systems program intends to meet the challenges of the National Energy Strategy to:

(1) Enhance the nation’s energy security;
(2) Improve the environmental acceptability of energy production and use;
(3) Increase the competitiveness and reliability of U. S. energy systems; and
(4) Ensure a robust U. S. energy future.

Annual Energy Outlook 2005 With Projections to 2025
The Annual Energy Outlook 2005 presents a midterm forecast and analysis of U.S. energy supply, demand, and prices through 2025. The projections are based on results from the Energy Information Administration's National Energy Modeling System. AEO2005 includes a reference case and over 30 sensitivities.

AEO 2005

The Role of Coal as and Energy Source
The Role of Coal as an Energy Source [PDF-1.1MB] published by the World Coal Institute, explains coal’s contribution to meeting global energy demand in the 21st century and illustrates current developments and emerging technological advancements that will ensure coal is part of a cleaner energy future. The report also highlights the significance of coal’s huge reserve base and wide geographic distribution, which together contribute significantly to economic and social development and energy security.

U. S. Coal Supply and Demand: 2007 Review

This document [PDF-419KB] reviews the 2007 data for production, consumption, prices, and exports and imports for the coal industry. This annual document is prepared by the Energy Information Administration, previous editions are also available.

U. S. Coal Supply and Demand: 2003 Review

Coal News and Markets
This weekly web-based document published by the Energy Information Administration provides up to date information on coal prices and earnings, coal production, and coal transportation problems.  Click here to view the latest publication.