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2012 National Water Program Strategy

EPA Releases National Water Program 2012 Strategy: Response to Climate Change

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National Water Program 2012 Strategy: Response to Climate Change Cover
EPA announces the release of the final National Water Program 2012 Strategy: Response to Climate Change following a public comment period. This document sets out long-term goals and specific actions that are EPA's contributions to national efforts to prepare for, and build resilience to, the impacts of a changing climate on water resources. The EPA National Water Program looks forward to working with state, tribal, and local governments, as well as other partners to implement actions that address climate change challenges in key areas. The Strategy focuses on protecting water infrastructure, coastal and ocean waters, watersheds and wetlands, and water quality. 

EPA National Water Program 2012 Strategy: Response to Climate Change (Full Report) (PDF) 
(132pp, 2,886K, About PDF)

Foreword (PDF) (2 pp, 353K)
I. Executive Summary (PDF) (12 pp, 600K)
II. Introduction: The Evolving Context (PDF) (11 pp, 410K)
III. Framework for a Climate Ready National Water Program (PDF)
(5 pp, 211K)

IV. Programmatic Visions, Goals, and Strategic Actions (PDF) (41 pp, 691K)
V. Geographic Climate Regions (PDF) (25 pp, 446K)
VI. Cross-Cutting Program Support (PDF)
(13 pp, 343K)
VII. Appendices (PDF) (23 pp, 272K)

Additional Supporting Documents
Hard copies will be available in mid-February 2013. Check back soon for how to order a copy.

If you have difficulty accessing the above PDF documents, please contact Elana Goldstein (water_climate_change@epa.gov) at 202-564-1800 for assistance.

Supporting Documents

Cover of EPA's FY 2011 - 2015 Strategic Plan document

Policy Memorandum from Lisa P. Jackson establishing the EPA Climate Work Group (PDF) (3 pp, 594K)
This memorandum calls for measures to anticipate and adapt to the effects climate change will have on the EPA's core mission as well as actions to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases. It also includes helping the most vulnerable people and places reduce their exposure and sensitivity to climate change and improving their capacity to predict, prepare for and avoid adverse impacts. This priority is reflected in the EPA's FY 2011-2015 Strategic Plan which includes a heightened focus on cross-program activities addressing climate change adaptation and mitigation.

Charter for EPA State-Tribal Climate Change Council of the National Water Program (PDF) (5 pp, 821K)
A key goal of the EPA National Water Program Strategy: Response to Climate Change is to engage States, Tribes, and others in addressing the complex issues posed for water quality program managers by a changing climate. In an effort to strengthen cooperation amongst these groups, a State-Tribal Climate Council of the EPA National Water Program has been formed. The charter outlines the Council's purpose, membership, and operation.

Cover of EPA’s Coming Together For Clean Water Strategy document

Coming Together for Clean Water: EPA's Strategy to Protect America's Waters (PDF) (14 pp, 1.7MB)
On April 15, 2010, Administrator Lisa P. Jackson convened a diverse group of stakeholders to discuss opportunities to reinvigorate EPA’s strategy for achieving clean water. This strategy outlines the challenges that were highlighted at the 'Coming Together for Clean Water' forum, describes the public participation process, and highlights the EPA’s priorities for achieving clean water goals.

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