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Press Releases 2011

Statement by the President on the Declaration of Liberation in Libya

October 23, 2011

The White House
Office of the Press Secretary

On behalf of the American people, I congratulate the people of Libya on today’s historic declaration of liberation.  After four decades of brutal dictatorship and eight months of deadly conflict, the Libyan people can now celebrate their freedom and the beginning of a new era of promise. 

Now that the fighting in Libya has reached an end, the Transitional National Council (TNC) must turn its attention to the political transition ahead.  We look forward to working with the TNC and an empowered transitional government as they prepare for the country’s first free and fair elections.  The Libyan authorities should also continue living up to their commitments to respect human rights, begin a national reconciliation process, secure weapons and dangerous materials, and bring together armed groups under a unified civilian leadership.  As they take these steps, the United States will continue our close cooperation with our international partners and the UN Support Mission in Libya to help advance a stable, democratic transition.