Argonne National Laboratory Biosciences Division
> About BIO
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About BIO

> Organization Chart

The BIO organizational structure shows the relationship between departments and staff responsibilities.

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> Mission

The mission of the Biosciences Division is to use state-of-the-art technology to conduct multidisciplinary basic research that will increase our understanding of the fundamental molecular mechanisms of life with the goal of enabling important advances in environmental protection and remediation, energy production and sustainability, and human health and welfare.

Research projects in the Division range from fundamental studies of DNA sequence using molecular biology and computational strategies to experimental validation of protein structure and function and analysis of field samples to characterize the natural biochemical processes at the molecular level. Within the broad goal of understanding biological mechanisms relevant to bioremediation, climate change, energy production, and protection of human health, the major objectives for research projects in the Division are:

  • Discovery and characterization of natural molecular processes relevant to environmental remediation, energy production, climate change, and human health through development of novel experimental and computational approaches
  • Characterization of  unique protein structures by improving existing and developing new technology and methods with an emphasis on high-throughput and automated methods
  • Achieving a deeper understanding of protein stability and protein-protein interactions that will allow optimization of natural processes through the application of new protein engineering techniques
  • Obtaining answers to difficult questions involving biochemical reaction mechanisms, molecular structures, and the interactions of biological systems with their local environments by fully utilizing the unique capabilities of Argonne’s Advanced Photon Source.

The primary sponsors of work conducted within the Division are the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH).  The Structural Biology Center (supported by the DOE), General Medicine and Cancer Institutes Collaborative Access Team (supported by the NIH), and Materials Research Collaborative Access Team (supported by the DOE and by MRCAT member institutions) are national user facilities that provide unique synchrotron capabilities enabling the Biosciences research program.

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