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4th Annual Spatial Ontology Community of Practice Workshop: : Geo-Spatial Ontologies and Semantics - current and future practices

Spatial Ontology Community of Practice (SOCoP)

Friday, December 2, 2011 from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM (EST)

Reston, VA

Ticket Information

Type Remaining End     Quantity
4th Annual Spatial Ontology Community of Practice Workshop: Geo-Spatial Ontologies and Semantics - current and future practices 54 tickets Ended Free  
Call in for 4th Annual Spatial Ontology Community of Practice Workshop: Geo-Spatial Ontologies and Semantics - current and future practices 26 tickets Ended Free  

Event Details


The Spatial Ontology Community of Practice (SOCoP) is hosting a free day-long workshop on spatial semantics and ontologies. See www.socop.org for more details on the agenda of morning speakers and afternoon roundtable discussion are presented below.

Note cell phones will not work in the USGS Auditorium.

Our keynote speaker is confirmed.  Matthew Perry, Senior Member of Technical Staff at Oracle Corporation will speak on OGC GeoSPARQL: Standardizing Spatial Query on the Semantic Web


As massively large geospatial datasets begin to flood the Web of Linked Data and vendors begin to implement proprietary geospatial extensions to SPARQL, standardization efforts are becoming increasingly important. Matt will  introduces GeoSPARQL, an emerging Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) standard that defines an RDFS/OWL vocabulary and a set of spatial extension functions for SPARQL.  Offering rich spatial queries of RDF, GeoSPARQL will increasingly blur the line between the Semantic Web and the Geo Web. Linked  As the Web of Linked Data grows, standards such as GeoSPARQL can be expected to play a critical in data integration and interoperability.

As time permits Matt's presentation will illustrate some aspects of GeoSPARQL such as:

o Background of geospatial data and queries in the Semantic Web

o Limitations of current spatial representation and querying techniques

o Explanation of GeoSPARQL vocabulary and language constructs

o Qualitative and quantitative spatial reasoning combined with GeoSPARQL

o Overview of near-term implementations and future considerations


The following is the draft Agenda and Schedule for the 2011 SOCoP workshop

9:00 - 9:10    Introductions, Welcome and Overview - John Moeller


9:10-10:00    Keynote: OGC GeoSPARQL: Standardizing Spatial Query on the Semantic Web:  Matt Perry, Senior Member of Technical Staff at Oracle Corporation


10:00 – 10:20 Semantic Mediation &  OWS:  

 Glenn A Guempel, National Geospatial Program, U. S. Geological Survey


10:20 - 10:40   Break

10:40 - 11:00 USGS  Needs and Advancements in Semantics of Geospatial Data and

   CyberGIS: E. Lynn Usery, Research Geographer and Director, Center of

 Excellence for Geospatial Information Science, U.S. Geological Survey

 11:00 – 11:20 SOCoP INTEROP – Overview of  Interdisciplinary Network to Support

 Geospatial Data Sharing, Integration, and Interoperability: Nancy

 Wiegand,   University of Wisconsin

 11:20 - 11:40 SOCoP Open Ontology Repository Demo: Mike Dean, BBN Technology

 11:40 -11:55    OGC GeoSemantics Josh Liebermann, OGC & Deloitte

11:55 -12:10   Utilizing knowledge to better discover, access, and use geospatial data

 for CloudGIS  Phil (Chaowei) Yang, GMU

  12:10 - 12:30    How Semantic Technology Can Improve the NextGen Air Transportation

 System Information Sharing Environment, Lowell T Vizenor,  Alionscience


 12:30- 1:15 Lunch and Networking - On your Own USGS Cafeteria


 1:15- 2:45  Afternoon session Roundtable Discussions (Topics still under development


                   include, vocabulary, use cases, follow up to morning sessions, planning for


                     new demonstrations, practices & patterns (maybe even standards)


                     which  promote reuse of ontologies between domains, generally necessary


                     for effective cross-domain operation, typography models,  ontology model


                     for watershed or routes, etc.)


2:45 - 3:00   Wrap Up



U. S. Geological Survey (USGS) National Center 12201 Sunrise Valley Drive, Reston, VA 20192


Friday December 2, 2011 from 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM.


As we did last year we will use a USGS provided WebEx for remote participation.

The general workshop # is toll free, the breakouts will have local tolls (not sure how cost will work with Skype.)

Meeting number: 714 432 866
Meeting password: SOCoP

Please click the link below to see more information, or to join the meeting.

Although no login account is required to use Webex to attend
a meeting, you will need to supply your name, email address,
and a meeting password (if provided) to join the meeting.

When it is time to attend the meeting, please visit this link:

Teleconference: Phone number: 1-866-687-7995
Passcode: 3591681#

*Please* check and prepare your computer a day or two
in advance of the meeting as follows:
1. Start your web browser
2. Visit http://usgs.webex.com
3. Select Setup / Meeting manager (left side of page)

For Help with WebEx
- WebEx setup help: 1-866-229-3239
- Info: https://usgs.webex.com/, click USGS Help (at left)
- USGS account questions: gs_help_webinar@usgs.gov

Afternoon Breakout Sessions 1:15-3:00   

We have 2 additional breakout locations in the afternoon. Each has a tele# for calling in We will assign topics to these at the end of the morning session or the beginning of the afternoon.   

One Breakoutis is the USGS Visitor's Center   

Date: Friday, December 2, 2011   

Time: 1:15 pm, Central Standard Time (Chicago, GMT-06:00)    Meeting number: 717 052 007    

Meeting password: SOCoP  

The 2nd SOCoP Breakout will be in Room 1B215   

Date: Friday, December 2, 2011   

Time: 1:15 pm, Eastern Standard Time (New York, GMT-05:00)   

Meeting number: 718 294 991   

Meeting password: SOCoP    



The purpose of the workshop is to continue the discussion from the previous SOCoP workshops in advancing spatial ontologies and semantic tools in the geospatial data domain. The main theme of this 4th iteration of the workshop is the current and future state of practices to develop and use of geospatial semantics and ontologies in meeting organizational mission and program needs.   

In addressing this theme, as at previous year’s workshop, we anticipate having a morning of talks and an afternoon of small group roundtable discussions. Planned presentations include: GeoSPARQL, OGC Semantic Mediation activities and the Geosemantics Domain Working Group; Open Ontology Repository and Geospatial Ontologies; USGS Ontology Design Patterns; and updates from the National Science Foundation INTEROP Project which several SOCoP members are working on in collaboration with others.  Afternoon roundtable discussions will follow morning presentations.      


There is space for over 100 participants at th USGS facility. People may register to attend in person or they may register to call in. If registration has not exceded 90 by Dec. 1, people may registger on site on Friday Dec. 2, 2011.

Details on call in will  also be available on the www.socop.org web site. As with last year's workshop we will  have a WebEx of the presentations so that remote registrants can see and hear the morning sesion of workshop as it proceeds.  We may have some call in for the afternoon sessions, but this will be deternined in the week before the session.

If you have questtions you may contact SOCoP Secreatary Gary Berg-Cross at gbergcross@gmail.com

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When & Where

U. S. Geological Survey (USGS) National Center
12201 Sunrise Valley Drive
Reston, VA 20192

Friday, December 2, 2011 from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM (EST)

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Spatial Ontology Community of Practice (SOCoP)


  Contact the Organizer

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