Program Areas: Grant applications submitted to the Office of Science must fit within a program area. You are encouraged to call the program area contact to discuss your research project BEFORE you submit your application. This is a competitive process and applications will be subjected to merit (peer) review.

Budget Form: Click here to access the grant application budget form to be used for revised budgets only.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
    • Program Areas
    • Definition of Terms
  2. The Preapplication
    • Guidelines
    • Contents of Preapplications
    • Where to Submit
    • Review of Preapplications
    • Response by the Program Office
  3. The Application
    • New Application
    • Who May Submit
    • When to Submit
    • Where to Submit
    • Instructions for Application Preparation
    • Renewal Application
    • Continuation Awards
    • Supplemental Application
    • Special Notes
  4. Application Contents
    • 424 R&R
    • Budget Categories
    • Project Description
    • Bibliography
    • Biographical Sketches
    • Facilities and Resources
    • Current and Pending Support
    • Identification of Potential Conflicts of Interest/Bias in Selection of Reviewers
    • Special Information and Supplementary Documentation
    • Proprietary Information
  5. Collaboration
  6. Human Subjects and Animal Welfare
  7. Application Receipt and Processing
    • Administrative Review
    • Evaluation Criteria
    • Merit Review Process
    • Award Selection
    • Withdrawals and Declinations
  8. Reporting Requirements
    • Continuation Progress Reports (Informal)
    • Renewal Progress Reports
    • Final Reports
    • Special Reports
    • Financial Status Reports
    • Subrecipient Performance Reports
    • Dissemination of Results
    • Acknowledgement of Support and Disclaimer
  9. Award Administration Highlights
    • Pre-Award Costs
    • Prior Approvals Required
    • Rebudgeting Among Budget Categories
    • No-Cost Extension
    • Review of Funded Projects
    • Termination of Awards
    • Patents, Data, and Copyrights
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