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GOP House to White House: Send Us a Balanced Budget


American taxpayers deserve no less, says House Economic Leader

Washington, DC – Today, the U.S. House of Representatives passed The Require a Plan Act (H.R. 444) to require the White House to produce a budget that balances within at least ten years or provide an additional plan that achieves that goal.

“American families and businesses have to live within their means,” said U.S. Congressman Kevin Brady (R-TX), the chairman of the Joint Economic Committee and a senior member of the House Ways & Means Committee. “Why shouldn’t Washington?”

Brady believes it is only a Republican House that will hold President Obama accountable to taxpayers to submit a plan to balance the federal budget.

“The media won’t hold the President accountable. The Democrat Senate certainly won’t – they haven’t produced a budget themselves in nearly four years. American taxpayers and our children who will be burdened by all this debt deserve a balanced budget plan from the White House.”
