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A house raised in the Middlesboro, Ky. area to reduce the risk of flood damage (USACE photo)

A house raised in the Middlesboro, Ky. area to reduce the risk of flood damage (USACE photo) (Photo by Courtesy Asset)

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Middlesboro Flood Damage Reduction

FACT SHEET (As of August 2012)

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 Middlesboro Flood Damage



US ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS                                                                     BUILDING STRONG®

                                                                           FACT SHEET

                                                                       (As of August 2012)

AUTHORIZATION: Section 202 of the Energy and Water Development Appropriation Act, 1981.

TYPE OF PROJECT: Flood Damage Reduction, Section 202

LOCATION: The project area includes the City of Middlesboro, Ky. and the surrounding drainage system having direct hydrologic or hydraulic influence on the flooding.


CONGRESSIONAL INTEREST:  Rogers (KY-05); McConnell (KY), Paul (KY)


NON-FEDERAL SPONSOR: The City of Middlesboro, Ky.


BACKGROUND: The project includes 5.22 stream miles of channel enlargement of Yellow Creek and Little Yellow Creek and 19 structures eligible for the non‑structural program (two commercial evacuations, 17 residential flood proofs). Channel modifications were accomplished in two phases. The lower channel includes 3.6 miles of widening and deepening. The upper channel includes widening and deepening along 1.1 miles of Yellow Creek and ½ mile of Little Yellow Creek. The project also includes preparation of Flood Warning and Emergency Evacuation Plan.


IMPORTANCE: Without flood reduction measures the businesses and residential communities would have continued to be flooded. The city’s economic vitality was being negatively impacted by repetitive flooding.


STATUS: The project is in closeout phase.


BUDGET ($): Estimated project costs are shown below.


Total Estimated Cost


     Federal Cost Estimate


     Non-Federal Cost Estimate




Federal Funds Data


     Allocation thru FY 2011


     Allocation for FY 2012


     Balance to Complete


     President’s Budget for FY 2013




FY 2012 Completed Work:  Flood Warning and Emergency Evacuation Plan was completed.

FY 2012 Scheduled Work:  Project closeout.

FY 2013 Scheduled Work: NA

Completion:  FY 2012.

For more information regarding the Middlesboro Flood Damage Reduction project, contact Ramune Morales, CELRN-PM, phone: (615) 736-7853, email:

Corps Corps of Engineers Flood Damage Reduction Kentucky Middlesboro Nashville District U.S. Army Corps of Enigneers Nashville District USACE