Integrated Corridor Management
ICM Pioneer Sites
Map of the United States, showing Seattle, Washington; Minneapolis, Minnesota; Oakland and San Diego, California; Montgomery County, Maryland; and Dallas, San Antonio, and Houston, Texas

The USDOT has selected eight "Pioneer Sites" to act as critical partners in the development, deployment and evaluation of Integrated Corridor Management (ICM) strategies designed to help manage congestion in some of our nation's busiest urban corridors as part of its 7-year ICM Initiative. The ICM Pioneer Sites are:

Visit each of these Pioneer Site pages to learn more about each site.

Pioneer site locations and the corridor assets to be integrated with ICM in those locations

All eight Pioneer Sites are recognized leaders in the area of congestion management, and their efforts under this initiative will directly contribute to more efficient, faster moving, and safer corridors for the future. The corridors of each Pioneer Site include configurations and characteristics similar to many other corridors across the nation and all possess infrastructure assets that can enable ICM. For example, all have implemented real-time signal control on their arterials. Many have implemented high-occupancy vehicle (HOV) and value-pricing strategies, while others have advanced bus operations that include express bus and bus rapid transit services. The table above provides a snapshot of the eight USDOT ICM Pioneer Sites and the existing infrastructure assets they will seek to integrate through ICM.

The Pioneer Sites have developed multimodal ICM strategies that apply new institutional and operational approaches and advanced technologies to existing infrastructure to help to increase travel time reliability, manage congestion and empower travelers.

There are three stages to the USDOT partnership with the Pioneer Sites:

Stage 1—Concept Development (FY07-08): COMPLETE. All eight sites will develop site-specific concept of operations (CONOPS) and System Requirements documents. Each site provided sample data for evaluation. These documents are available from the ICM Knowledgebase.

Stage 2—Modeling (FY09–FY10). Dallas, Minneapolis, and San Diego were selected, to model their proposed ICM systems. All three sites have successfully modeled their proposed ICM systems.

Stage 3—Demonstration and Evaluation (FY10–FY13). Dallas and San Diego were selected to demonstrate their ICM strategies (see the press release).  These sites will demonstrate the application of institutional, operational and technical integration approaches in the field and document implementation issues and operational benefits.


Additional ITS Resources on the Federal Highway Administration Office of Operations Website

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