Argonne National Laboratory Nuclear Engineering Division

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U.S. Department of Energy

Sensors and Instrumentation and Nondestructive Evaluation

Biomedical Applications

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Biosensor for revival of sudden cardiac arrest victims

In collaboration from the Emergency Resuscitation Research Center of the University of Chicago, we are developing a novel biosensor for an important medical application - revival of sudden cardiac arrest victims. Oxidants such as reactive oxygen species and reactive nitrogen species play critical roles in cell signaling and cell injury during pathologic conditions such as ischemia/reperfusion. Specifically, two of the most diffusible oxidants, hydrogen peroxide and nitric oxide, play important roles in ischemia/reperfusion injury. The objective of our work is to develop a highly sensitive real-time sensor for noninvasively measuring these species in human-exhaled breath as biomarkers of cell injury.
Read: Biosensor for revival of sudden cardiac arrest victims

Medical Ice Slurry Coolants for Inducing Targeted-Organ/Tissue Protective Cooling

Argonne Slurry Delivery to Lungs of Large Swine

Argonne Slurry Delivery to Lungs of Large Swine (50 kg) Using Squeeze Bottle and Endotracheal Tube under Cardiac Arrest Conditions in which Chest Compressions Circulate Blood (with UC-ERC) Click on image to view larger image.

Researchers at Argonne National Laboratory and the University of Chicago’s (UC) Emergency Resuscitation Center (ERC) and the Urologic Surgery Section are developing a technology that could help in saving stroke and cardiac arrest victims and in performing various surgical procedures. The team has developed an ice slurry coolant — a saline-ice mixture that may be injected into a patient’s body for rapid cooling of vital organs and tissues. One version of ice slurry is an equal mix of ultra-small (equivalent to the diameter of a human hair) ice particles and a salt water liquid carrier.
Learn more about our research activities in the field of medical ice slurry coolants

Related Documents

See Medical Ice Slurry Coolants for a list of Fact Sheets & Papers related to Medical Ice Slurry Coolants.


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Patent applications published:

Last Modified: Wed, July 18, 2012 6:50 PM



Related Documents & Fact Sheets

See Medical Ice Slurry Coolants for a list of Fact Sheets & Papers related to Medical Ice Slurry Coolants.

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Detection & Diagnostic Systems Dept.
Dept. Manager: A.C. Raptis
Fax:  +1 630-252-3250

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