Energy Citations Database
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Nanotechnology has a vitally important role
to play in addressing the nation's energy,
climate change and national security challenges.

Nanotechnology Research results in Energy Citations Database

Archived Features
Coming Soon! Consolidation of Information Bridge and Energy Citations Database into a new search tool, SciTech Connect. A gradual phase out of Energy Citations Database will follow the launch of this new website (more information).

The Energy Citations Database (ECD) provides free access to over 2,496,000 science research citations with continued growth through regular updates. There are over 314,000 full-text documents, primarily from 1943 forward, available via the database. Citations and documents are made publicly available by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE).

ECD includes scientific and technical research results in disciplines of interest to DOE such as chemistry, physics, materials, environmental science, geology, engineering, mathematics, climatology, oceanography, and computer science. It includes bibliographic citations to report literature, conference papers, journal articles, books, dissertations, and patents.

Agency Information

ECD was created and developed by DOE’s Office of Scientific and Technical Information with the science-attentive citizen in mind. It contains energy and energy‑related scientific and technical information collected by the Department of Energy (DOE) and its predecessor agencies, the Energy Research & Development Administration (ERDA) and the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC).