Middle East Monitor: Syrians Cooperative with UN Monitors Being Harassed?

Syrian soldiers reportedly are harassing civilians who speak with U.N. monitors assessing the shaky ceasefire in the country; U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton denounces the alleged intimidation…  Details of a new report by Amnesty International that Muslims in Europe are facing growing discrimination for their religious beliefs, not only by ordinary Europeans but More »

Middle East Monitor: UN Observers Continue Syria Mission Despite Violence

A United Nations team observing Syria’s violence-ridden truce visited the restive Damascus suburb of Douma…  Activists and amateur videos reported shelling and gunfire in the area, a day after 55 people were purportedly killed across Syria – mostly in Hama, a city the monitors had visited the day before…  The Arab American Institute, based More »

Middle East Monitor: US Slaps New Sanctions on Syria, Iran

The United States announces plans to impose technology sanctions on Syria and its ally, Iran, in light of the Syrian government’s continued brutal crack-down on dissent…  The United Nations Security Council is sending up to 300 unarmed observers to join the small advance team already on the ground in Syria…  The deadline for the More »

Middle East Monitor: More Sanctions Facing Syria For Faltering Truce

Concerns that diplomatic efforts to end the violence in Syria will fall short — and the international community considers options; Bahrain protesters clash with security just days ahead of the Formula One Grand Prix and Turkey and Kurdish Iraq talk about trade and strengthening ties. But Syria’s crisis complicates things. Davin Hutchins guests More »

Middle East Monitor: Capitol Hill Lawmakers Focus Squarely on Syria

The House Armed Services Committee held a hearing headlined “Recent Developments in the Middle East: The Security Situation in the Syrian Arab Republic.” Testifying before the House Armed Services Committee was Defense Secretary Leon Panetta and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Martin Dempsey.  At the same time, Senator John Kerry presided More »

Middle East Monitor: Still Time for a Diplomatic Solution on Iran?

Yezid Sayigh, a Middle East expert at the Carnegie Middle East Center in Beirut, shares his thoughts on the continuing violence in Syria almost a week after a ceasefire was to take hold.  French Foreign Minister Alain Juppe says sanctions against Damascus are working and have cut Syria’s financial reserves in half.  Does the More »

Middle East Monitor: International Community Faces New Challenges in Syria

Nadim Shehadi with Chatham House in London expresses skepticism about the cease-fire monitoring operation in Syria.  The Syrian government’s decision to partially implement the peace plan endorsed by the Arab League and the United Nations creates new challenges for the world and regional leaders.  Analysts say Turkey’s role as a facilitator in the Iran More »

Middle East Monitor: Afghan Fighting Flares in 18 Hour Kabul Gunbattle

Explosions and heavy gunfire shake the Afghan capital and three other Afghan provinces… a UN observer team takes on a difficult task in Syria while fighting there continues… Israel blocks a “fly-in” by hundreds of pro-Palestinian activists…  And a new “American Jewish Committee” study examines Latino attitudes toward the Jews in the More »

Middle East Monitor: The Syrian Ceasefire Wobbles

There are signs the United Nations-brokered cease-fire in Syria is starting to fray after the opposition called for widespread protests.  Samir Al Husain, an opposition activist in Hama, speaks with us about security forces firing on anti-government protesters there today.  The “American Syrian Coalition” is created to work in a unified voice to support More »

Middle East Monitor: Will Peace Be Given a Chance in Syria?

The International Envoy to Syria, Kofi Annan, gets assurances from the Syria government…Mousab Azzawi, Chairman of the Syrian Network for Human Rights in London, suggests a path to peace…and Representatives of Syria’s main opposition alliance say they are still willing to give the peace plan proposed by Annan a chance to More »

Middle East Monitor: Syria Peace Plan Dead?

The world watches as the deadline for the Syrian government to back down passes.  Naddim Houry of Human Rights Watch shares what he has heard.  Ankara reacts angrily to an incident Monday in which Syrians were shot while seeking refuge in Turkey.  Egyptian voters share their thoughts about the upcoming presidential election, and candidate More »

Middle East Monitor: The Dangers of Traveling the Sinai

Another blow to the Syria peace plan brokered by U.N.-Arab League envoy Kofi Annan.  Controversey surrounding the U.S. decision to send more than 1 billion dollars in military and economic aid to Egypt.  We take a look at the political landscape in Egypt now that the Muslim Brotherhood’s presidential candidate, Khairat el-Shater, submitted his More »

Middle East Monitor: The US Talks With Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood?

Despite a Syrian peace plan, heavy government shelling is reported in Homs.  White House Press Secretary Jay Carney says representatives of Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood met with mid-level officials from the U.S. National Security Agency.  Yehuda Lukacs, Director of the Center for Global Education and a professor at George Mason University, Shlomo Shpiro at the More »

Gulf Domestic Migrant Workers Plead for Human Rights

On Today’s Podcast:  A flare-up in Syrian violence is no surprise to Middle East analyst Christopher Phillips with the Queen Mary University of London.  Syrian unrest highlights a larger struggle for regional influence between Iran and Saudi Arabia.  How will the expulsion of Iranian banks from SWIFT affect the oil market?  And reporter Cecily More »

Middle East Monitor Podcast : Where Will the Syrian Violence End? 04-04-12

On Today’s Podcast:  Wayne White with the Middle East Institute shares where he believes the violence in Syria will lead…the political tactics of Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood twist and turn…a look at the role of smuggling tunnels for impoverished Gaza under an Israeli trade blockade…US Secretary of State Hilleary Clinton says the US expects ‘concrete More »

Middle East Monitor Podcast : Is the Syrian Government "Crying Wolf"? 04-03-12

Does the international community believe the Syrian government’s peace statement this time?  The issue of Kurdish rights in Syria puts neighboring Turkey in a dilemma of its own.  A dispute between the Iraqi central government and the Kurdish autonomous region is gaining momentum.  Several dozen technology entrepreneurs think they have what it takes to More »

Middle East Monitor Podcast: March to Stop Syrian Violence Continues

The international Community takes additional steps to reign in Syria…viral videos empower local Syrian activists…another shortage hits daily life in the Gaza strip…and the United Nations’ Special Rapporteur on human rights conditions in Iran shares what he has More »

Middle East Monitor Podcast : "Friends of Syria" Eye the Opposition 03-30-12

UN Arab League Envoy Kofi Annan says implement a Syrian cease-fire now.  US Senator John McCain explains why he is passionate about Syria.  “Friends of Syria” eye the opposition.  Kurds in Syria proceed with caution.  And Israeli and Palestinian forces clash on Land More »

Middle East Monitor Podcast: Sen. McCain Says Annan 'Out of Touch With Reality'

On today’s podcast: U.S. Senator John McCain says U.N.-Arab League Envoy Kofi Annan is “completely out of touch with reality” on Syria. Syrian refugees wander among construction workers as Turkey prepares for the worst. On shopping day we visit Beach Camp, Gaza, but there are few willing to buy. U.S. Secretary of State Hillary More »

Middle East Monitor Podcast: Where Is the Syrian Peace Process Now?

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, British Ambassador Mark Lyall Grant, French Ambassador Gerard Arauyd and others respond to the Syrian government’s decision to accept the Kofi Annan’s peace plan.  Wounded members of the Free Syrian Army find help along the Turkey border.  Arab leaders will meet in Iraq on regional concerns.  And we More »