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National Center for Education Research

icon of glasses and a book Evaluation of State and Local Education Programs and Policies


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FY Awards

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Dr. Allen Ruby
(202) 219-1591


The Institute intends to fund rigorous evaluations to determine the overall impact of fully developed education programs or policies implemented under conditions of routine practice by a State, district, or consortium of States or districts and to determine the impact across a variety of conditions (e.g., different student populations, different types of schools). By overall impact, the Institute means the degree to which an intervention on average has a net positive impact on the outcomes of interest in relation to the program or practice to which it is being compared. By referring to impact across a variety of conditions, the Institute conveys the expectation that subgroup analyses of different student populations, types of schools, and other potential moderating conditions will be conducted to determine if interventions produce positive impacts for some groups or under some conditions. By fully developed, the Institute means interventions that are ready to be implemented by schools or districts—that is, all of the materials, manuals, and other supports are ready to be distributed to and used by schools or districts. By conditions of routine practice, the Institute means that the program or policy is implemented without special support by developers of the intervention or the research team, to improve, for example, the fidelity of the implementation of the intervention.