Dr. Skolnik Receives Picard Medal

6/15/2000 - 18-00r
Contact: Public Affairs Office, (202) 767-2541

The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) has announced that Dr. Merrill Skolnik is the first recipient of its new Dennis J. Picard Medal for Radar Technologies and Applications. Dr. Skolnik served as Superintendent of the Naval Research Laboratory's (NRL's) Radar Division from 1965 until his retirement in 1996. The citation for the medal states that he is recognized "For outstanding leadership of Navy radar research, authorship of widely used books on radar, and personal contributions to the advancement of radar technologies and systems." He will receive his award at a ceremony on June 24, to be held at Vancouver, BC, Canada, during the 2000 IEEE Honors Ceremony.

The IEEE Picard award is sponsored by the Raytheon Company, and is named for the chairman and chief executive officer of the Raytheon Company, Mr. Dennis J. Picard.

Among the many new radar technology developments accomplished by NRL's Radar Division under Dr. Skolnik's supervision was the first successful development of HF over-the-horizon radar for the U.S. Navy and Air Force; new concepts for shipboard air-surveillance radar including the ECCM-capable radar called "Senrad;" the introduction of the AN/SPS-49 air-surveillance radar into the fleet;
practical counter-stealth techniques for ship-air defense; improvements in combat identification including identification friend or foe (IFF), the pioneering application of inverse synthetic aperture radar (SAR) used in naval aircraft for ship recognition at long range, and the use of jet engine modulation for aircraft recognition; radar cross section prediction and the first multi-frequency dynamic radar cross section ships; spaceborne radar concepts for world-wide ocean surveillance; low probability of intercept radar; high resolution radar for periscope detection; adaptive processing that made practical the sidelobe canceler for countering hostile jamming signals and which led to its application to airborne early warning (AEW) radar in the form of space-time adaptive processing; new ship self-defense radar system concepts and technology; and increased understanding of the nature of the radar echo from the sea.

Dr. Skolnik is known to the world-wide radar community as the author of the highly popular text Introduction to Radar Systems and as editor of the Radar Handbook. Before joining NRL he was with the Institute for Defense Analysis, Research Division of Electronic Communication Inc., MIT Lincoln Laboratory, Sylvania Boston Engineering Laboratory, and the Johns Hopkins Radiation Laboratory. In addition to radar, he was involved in these organizations with ballistic missile defense, electronic warfare, proximity fuzes, and phased array radar including self-focusing array antennas.

In addition to the Picard Medal, Dr. Solnik has received the IEEE Harry Diamond Award, the IEEE Centennial Medal, and the IEEE Fellow Award. He has served as editor of the Proceedings of the IEEE and as a member and former chairman of the IEEE Radar Systems Panel. He received the Johns Hopkins Distinguished Alumnus Award and is a member of the Johns Hopkins Society of Scholars. Dr. Skolnik also received the Institute of Electronic and Radio Engineers (UK) Heinrich Hertz Premium and the Navy Distinguished Civilian Service Award. In 1986, he was elected to the National Academy of Engineering.

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