Eisenhower Army Medical Center
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To provide World Class comprehensive and compassionate care to our Nation’s Warriors, their families, retirees and all other directed beneficiaries, while maintaining unit and personal readiness to meet the demands of our Nation.


Maintain a trained and ready healthcare force that seeks, thrives on, and embraces change while accomplishing the health care mission, utilizing outcomes to drive medical decisions. We will excel at providing the best medical care anywhere to the best our Nation has to offer; her Warriors and families.

Caring From the Heart DIGNITY
  • believe in the fundamental worth and value of all people
  • treat each individual with dignity and respect
  • loyalty to our beneficiaries, to each other, and to the organization
  • fulfill our obligations, put the welfare of patients, staff, unit, the Army and the Nation before our own
  • continually strive to live by the Army, AMEDD and DDEAMC values
  • do what is right and take personal responsibility for our actions