Finding a Lasting Solution to Instability in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

Posted by Johnnie Carson / February 21, 2013

Congolese soldiers sit on the back of a truck as it drives through the small town off Walikale, Congo, Sept. 21, 2010. [AP File Photo]

About the Author: Johnnie Carson serves as Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs.

As I noted in my recent remarks at the Brookings Institution, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, or the DRC, deserves a much higher place on the world's foreign policy priorities list. Conflict in the DRC has resulted in more than five million deaths since 1998. No other conflict or act of violence since World War II has come anywhere close to taking so many lives. Eastern DRC's chronic instability also negatively impacts the security, political, economic, and development goals of the country's nine neighbors. This is one of the reasons why it is imperative for the United States and the international community to work with the DRC and other regional partners to break this cycle of death and suffering and address the consequences of this violence.

The United… more »

Call to Innovators: Apply To Present at G-8 Conference on Open Data for Agriculture

Posted by Catherine Woteki and Nick Sinai / February 18, 2013

Women pluck rice grass from a nursery to plant on plots in Ahero, Kenya on Nov. 13, 2009. [AP File Photo]

About the Authors: Catherine Woteki serves as Under Secretary for Research, Education, and Economics and Chief Scientist at the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and Nick Sinai serves as the U.S. Deputy Chief Technology Officer.

In an exciting opportunity, the G-8 is inviting innovators to apply to present ideas that demonstrate how open data can be unleashed to increase food security at the G-8 International Conference on Open Data for Agriculture on April 29-30, 2013 in Washington, D.C.

Open data is being used by innovators and entrepreneurs around the world to accelerate development, whether it be tracking election transparency in Kenya or providing essential information to rural farmers in Uganda. The G-8 conference will convene policy makers, thought leaders, food security stakeholders, and data experts to discuss the role of public, agriculturally-relevant… more »

Meeting the President’s Challenge To End Extreme Poverty

Posted by Jonathan Shrier and Lona Stoll / February 17, 2013

Kenyan boys harvest maize in Bomet, Kenya, Oct. 9, 2008. [AP File Photo]

About the Authors: Jonathan Shrier serves as Acting Special Representative for Global Food Security and Deputy Coordinator for Diplomacy for Feed the Future, and Lona Stoll serves as Acting Deputy Coordinator for Development for Feed the Future.

In his State of the Union address, President Obama laid out a challenge for our generation to eradicate the scourge of extreme poverty. We are advancing this critical agenda through Feed the Future, the President's signature global hunger… more »

Photo of the Week:  Visit to the State Department Gift Shop

Posted by Hannah Johnson / February 15, 2013

Secretary Kerry visits the gift shop in the basement of the U.S. Department of State in Washington, D.C. on February 15, 2013. [State Department photo/ Public Domain]

About the Author: Hannah Johnson serves as an Assistant Editor for DipNote.

Today's "Photo of the Week" comes from the Department of State's official photographer, Michael Gross, and shows Secretary Kerry visiting the gift shop in the basement (fondly nicknamed "Foggy Bottom") of the U.S. Department of State in Washington, D.C. on February 15, 2013.

Secretary Kerry's second week in office has been just as busy as the first attending (and tweeting about) the President's State of the Union speech and meeting with foreign dignitaries such as Jordanian Foreign Minister Nasser… more »

Waste Less To Feed More

Posted by Robert D. Hormats / February 15, 2013

In this photo taken Tuesday, May 1, 2012, Indian farmers and migrant laborers harvest wheat crop on the outskirts of Amritsar, India. [AP File Photo]

About the Author: Robert D. Hormats serves as Under Secretary of State for Economic Growth, Energy, and the Environment.

I recently spoke at the 13th annual Delhi Sustainable Development Summit in New Delhi, India. My remarks focused largely on the importance of creating a good environment for investment in the agricultural sector. I emphasized the particular need to improve food supply chains that connect farmers to markets. Significant additional improvements in food supply chain infrastructure are needed to reduce post-harvest food losses, which are disturbingly high in many parts of the world.

Some important progress already has been made. The Government of India recently took steps to open India's multi-brand retail sector to encourage foreign direct investment. This investment is critical for India's overall economic growth prospects as well as the development of India's food storage and distribution industry. As Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh explained, an organized and efficient… more »

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