U.S. Senator Chris Coons of Delaware

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Currently showing results tagged Deficit

October 2012
Senator Coons stands with business leaders in call for balanced deficit reduction
September 2012
Statement from Senator Coons on White House report on impact of sequester
Senator Coons calls on Congress to act to prevent credit rating downgrade
July 2012
Senator Coons votes to extend middle class tax cuts
Statement from Senator Coons on President Obama’s call to preserve middle class tax cuts
February 2012
President Obama’s FY13 budget proposal balances deficit reduction with key investments
November 2011
Statement from Senator Coons on supercommittee’s failure to reach a deal on deficit reduction
September 2011
Senator Coons among bipartisan coalition of 36 senators to urge the super committee to ‘go big’ on deficit reduction
August 2011
Statement from Senator Coons on S&P downgrade of United States’ credit rating
Senator Coons releases new Correspondence from the Commute videos focused on debt ceiling talks and responsible deficit reduction
Statement from Senator Coons on vote to avert default
July 2011
Senator Coons praises ‘gang of six’ framework for responsible deficit reduction
On Senate floor, Senator Coons talks about growing concern over a default crisis
On Senate floor, Senator Coons warns of America becoming a bad investment with default crisis
June 2011
In colloquy on Senate floor, Senator Coons warns of inaction on America's debt
Senator Coons proposes Save As You Go mechanism for keeping both parties at the table in future deficit-reduction talks
Statement from Senator Coons on Senate’s failure to reauthorize Economic Development Administration
May 2011
Senators Coons, Mikulski urge continued support for AmeriCorps and other service programs
With oil company profits at an all-time high, Senator Coons cosponsors repeal of Big Oil tax giveaways
March 2011
Serious attempt at deficit reduction requires closer look at advice in Bowles-Simpson report