January 14, 2013

Disaster Recovery

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In wake of the devastation in New York and New Jersey resulting from Hurricane Sandy, an opportunity arose for HUD employees throughout the Nation to rally together in a time of need and assist with the Department’s response, recovery and planning efforts.   During the first two months following the hurricane; HUD Region VIII was able [...]

November 28, 2012

Telling the Recovery Story with Crayons and Construction Paper

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A month after Hurricane Sandy hit the Northeast, hundreds of families continue their daily struggle to put their lives back together. Many of their homes destroyed, these families face living in temporary dwellings like area hotels and relatives’ homes. Their children are staying far away from their schools and some families are facing a decision [...]

November 7, 2012

FEMA Announces Temporary Housing Rental Assistance Increase in New York and New Jersey

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Cross posted from FEMA.gov As part of ongoing efforts to ensure families and individuals impacted by Hurricane Sandy get the support they need, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) announced today that the agency is increasing the amount of rental assistance that it may provide eligible disaster survivors in New York and New Jersey.  The [...]

October 31, 2012

Rebuilding after Hurricane Sandy

As images of the aftermath of Sandy come in and surveys of the damages are being assessed, it is without a doubt that millions of people on the East Coast have been left to pick up the pieces of their homes.  Some families will have to endure repairs that will cost thousands while others will [...]
