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Keyword: Veterans
Military Mom Makes Time to Volunteer

“Where do you find the time?” is a question that could be posed to many parents, but the 2012 Volunteering and Civic Life in America (VCLA) report shows that many in this group are carving space in their busy schedules to help others in their communities. Allison Moore, a military spouse and mother of three young children in Missouri, is a prime example.

Waynesville AmeriCorps members operate a comprehensive after-school for children in schools near the Fort Leonard Wood training facility in Waynesville, MO. The program received a 2012 Service Impact Award for its work with military families and education.

The demands of modern parenting don't leave a lot of spare time for volunteering, and raising kids ages 5, 7, and 8 adds another layer of busyness to Allison's day. Military moms like her also face special challenges above and beyond typical parental duties with solo parenting stints, short-notice deployments, and frequent moves becoming part of the routine.

Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS) researchers behind the VCLA report found that parents volunteer at a rate seven points higher than the general population and service peaks with parents in their late 40s. Public schools are often hubs for community activity, and parents often step up to help with any number of activities from candy sales to chaperoning events or trips.

Allison began helping out at Thayer Elementary School inside the military base when her kids reached school age, and just found herself becoming more and more involved. Now she spends about 40 hours a week at Thayer, including serving as an after-school tutor with the Waynesville AmeriCorps program that helps military children who often need academic help due to the frequent changes that come with military life.

The stay-at-home mom never saw herself working at a school, but once she started volunteering, she fell in love with the work. Allison says she does it for herself and her children, but everyone in the community benefits from parents like her that make time to help.

This Corporation for National and Community Service graphic shows that parents volunteered at a higher rate than the general population in 2011. According to Volunteering and Civic Life in America study, 33.7 percent of parents volunteered versus 26.9 percent of the overall population.

To discover other interesting findings from the Volunteering and Civic Life in America report, click the graphic above.

The Waynesville AmeriCorps program received a 2012 National Service Impact Award for its outstanding work in its community with military families. You can learn more about its work at the CNCS Service Impact Awards page.

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StoryCorps: Preserving the History of Our Nation’s Service Members
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Service Impact Award Winner: Waynesville R-VI School District
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A Salute to Military Veterans and CADCA's VetCorps Program
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From AmeriCorps to Afghanistan
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10 Ways to Serve on Veterans Day
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Service Impact Award Winner: Heather Hays
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Groups Unite on Blueprint to Help Returning Vets
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Never Leave a Fallen Comrade: The Story of One Continuing Mission on the Homefront
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Service Impact Award Winner: Habitat for Humanity Vet Corps
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A Tremendous Commitment: Supporting Veterans and Military Families
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To Feel Young Again: RSVP of Albany Builds Ramps and New Lives for Fellow Vets
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Texas-Sized Effort Supports Houston Vets
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Your Service is Still Needed
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Answering the Call of Duty with VetCorps
Today, a group of young men and women, many of them veterans, will stand up and pledge to “get things done for America”. They will join a legion of more than 750,000 Americans who have served in AmeriCorps and become the first class to also serve as VetCorps members.
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Driven to Help Homeless Vets
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In Idaho, Veterans Help Veterans Fight Unemployment with AmeriCorps
Of the 130,000 veterans in Idaho, more than 30,000 are registered with the Idaho Department of Labor to receive employment resources and job training. However, budget cuts have put this program in jeopardy.
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Back Home and Ready to Serve - Again
Many years ago, I stepped off a plane from Iraq and onto the tarmac at Pope Airfield in Fort Bragg, NC. The scene was filled with open arms, cheers, the sound of muffled grunts of joy as weeping kids jumped into the arms of their parents, and spouses' soft cries of love and longing. The sounds of reunions were deafening as they bounced off the high walls of the hangar -- it was a sound that I welcomed, and remember to this day.
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AmeriCorps Recruiting Our Nation’s Heroes
As America's heroes return from war zones and transition back into civilian life, many are facing challenges finding work. Last month, more than over 857,000 veterans were unemployed, and the jobless rate for post-9/11 veterans is 13.1 percent.
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AmeriCorps Enlisting the Service of Our Nation's Heroes
As America's heroes return from deployments abroad and transition back into civilian life, many are facing challenges in finding employment. With the unemployment rate among recently returned veterans hovering around 12 percent, these men and women who volunteered to courageously serve our country should not have to return home with bleak opportunities in sight.
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Veterans Helping Veterans
Madison Street Veterans Association began about three years ago with a group of homeless veterans living in an emergency shelter in Phoenix. The veterans decided that they should band together to improve the conditions in the shelter for themselves and any veterans who showed up in the shelter. What a difference they made!
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Service News Digest: CNCS In the News
The Service News Digest is a regular feature on the Serve.Gov blog. In this series, we showcase news highlights that feature national service and Corporation for National and Community Service programs. Take a look at some of the great stories that had people talking recently.
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The Inclusive Power of Service
Jennifer Byerly, 47, of Rockport, Indiana weathered the trials and tribulations of life, but has made the most of her circumstances through her service with AmeriCorps. She has also become a champion for those with intellectual disabilities.
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