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National Service Blog
What Are You Doing For Others?

Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. devoted his life to advancing equality, social justice, and opportunity for all. He challenged us to build a more perfect union, and taught us that everyone has a role to play in making America what it ought to be.

While we have made great progress, we still have work to do to realize Dr. King’s dream. Just as Dr. King set big goals and achieved historic change, we need sustained citizen action to address today’s social challenges.

Next month, on January 17, we will mark the 25th anniversary of the King Federal Holiday. This anniversary is a perfect opportunity for Americans to advance Dr. King’s dream by joining with family and neighbors to serve others, and by making an ongoing commitment to serve throughout the year. Watch this video to learn more about this year’s MLK Day of Service.

Whether you serve as part of a neighborhood, service, or faith community, I hope that you will take part in this year’s MLK Day of Service. You can join or organize a service project, participate in a commemorative event, or recognize those who serve throughout the year.Service on the King Holiday is not just an appropriate way to honor Dr. King, it is an important opportunity to bring in new volunteers and partners that can support your work throughout the year.

Our newly designed MLKDay.gov website has everything you need to plan and promote your MLK Day project, including tips on building partnerships, fundraising, using social media, generating media, and marketing resources MLK Day gear, and a new MLK Drum Major for Service award.

As the only federal holiday observed as a national day of service, the MLK Day of Service has enormous potential to grow. It is a reminder that America is made stronger when citizens come together and that service is integral to meeting national challenges. With your help, we can mobilize more Americans to serve their communities and move us closer to Dr. King’s dream.

Patrick A. Corvington is the CEO of the Corporation for National and Community Service.

Click here to read more MLK Day stories.

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