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Linearized Matrix Operator Method with a Focus on the Speed and Accuracy of Calculation of Both TOA Reflectances and their Jacobians with Respect to Aerosol
Linearized Matrix Operator Method with a Focus on the Speed and Accuracy of Calculation of Both TOA Reflectances and their Jacobians with Respect to Aerosol

Date: Thursday, February 21, 2013
Time: 12:00pm
Location: 180-101
Speaker: Suniti Sanghavi

Postdoc Seminar Series


Fast and accurate radiative transfer modeling of an observed atmospheric scenario is vital for the remote sensing of atmospheric species. We present a linearized radiative transfer model (smartMOM) based on the matrix operator method. The model provides reflectances at top-of-atmosphere and simultaneously its Jacobian matrix, consisting of the derivatives of these reflectances with respect to different parameters governing the state of the atmosphere. This includes derivatives with respect to the optical thickness of each aerosol type present in a given scenario, the aerosol microphysical parameters (the complex refractive index and size distribution parameters), and the surface properties. These derivatives are critical to inverting the parameters given a set of measured reflectances. The quality of the inversion depends strongly on the accuracy of the model and its Jacobian matrix. The gains in speed and accuracy of linearized computation are contrasted against the finite difference method.


Suniti Sanghavi was born in Mumbai, India, where she obtained her Bachelor of Science degree in Physics from Bombay University in 1998. She obtained her Diplom (equivalent to Masters) in Physics from the University of Heidelberg, Germany, in 2003. She completed her PhD in 2008 from the University of Heidelberg and the Max-Planck Institute for Chemistry in Mainz, Germany. Following a year as a Postdoc at SRON in Utrecht, Netherlands, she came to JPL in 2010 where she has been a Postdoc with the MISR group. Suniti's research interests mainly include aerosol and cloud remote sensing and radiative transfer modeling of both scattering and absorbing atmospheres.

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