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Representative Fudge speaks against Holder Contempt Decision

“Today I rise to speak in opposition of a Resolution to hold Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt of Congress.  In total disregard that the Attorney General and the Department of Justice  have cooperated with each inquiry from the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee within the last 15 months. Chairman Issa decided to pursue this extreme and unprecedented action.

To take action on this resolution is a gross misuse of this chambers time and energy, given that the information requested by the Chairman will shed no light on the person or persons responsible for the death of Agent Brian Terry, and that is where our time and energy should be focused.

Instead of wasting the time of the Committee the Department of Justice and the American people with political distractions the House should, should be addressing the issues important to the welfare of this country and its people and that, is jobs.”

Holder Speech (06/29/12 08:11 AM PST)