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Art Competition

2012 Congressional Art Competition

A local Wichita Falls  high school student has been selected to represent the 13th Congressional District of Texas in the nationwide 2012 Congressional Art Contest. A photograph submitted by Lily McCarthy, daughter of Barry and Lisa McCarthy of Wichita Falls, will be displayed in the hallways of the United States Capitol for an entire year.

Lily’s photograph, entitled “Street Vendor,” was selected by an independent panel of educators and art professionals from across the district as the winning entry from the 13th District of Texas. Steve Hilton, a professor of art at Midwestern State University and one of the contest judges, said the winning entry was “not only a well done photograph technically, but it speaks to issues that are relevant to all of us here in the United States every day.”

Julie Talley, another one of this year’s judges and the Curator of Education at the Amarillo Museum of Art, praised the contest as an opportunity for young artists to display their talent alongside their peers from across the country. She noted that visitors to the exhibition at the Capitol “will gain a perspective of the diverse backgrounds and cultures” that make up the United States.

The Congressional Art Contest is a national competition that selects one piece of artwork from all 435 U.S. congressional districts and territories for a year-long exhibit in Washington, D.C. The annual contest for high school students has taken place since 1982. Winners of the competition are invited to Washington, D.C., for a special reception to honor the winners.  Lily and her mother, Lisa, plan to attend the event this year and visit with area Congressman Mac Thornberry (TX-13) while they are in town.

Lily’s art teacher, Chris Mayfield, said, “I am very proud of Lily.” He continued, “this has been a big year for her.” Lily is a senior at Wichita Falls High School and plans to attend the Savannah College of Art & Design (SCAD) in Savannah, Georgia this fall.

Art Work from Previous 13th District Winners