103 E. Plumtree Road
Sunderland, MA 01375
Phone: 413-548-8002
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Welcome to the Silvio O. Conte National Fish & Wildlife Refuge
Conserving the Nature of the Connecticut River Watershed
Silvio O. Conte National Fish and Wildlife Refuge was established to conserve the abundance and diversity of native plants and animals and their habitats in the 7.2 million acre Connecticut River watershed in Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Vermont.
Latest News
Bird Banding at the Nulhegan Basin Division

Please see the attached notice if you are interested in participating in banding songbirds for long-term population monitoring.

Secretary of Interior Ken Salazar visits Hartford, CT to announce that the Connecticut River will become the nation's first Blueway. Read more

The WOW Express, with it's full immersion trailer and interactive displays, begins traveling to festivals and other events as well as schools... Read more

First Conte Corner unveiled at the Springfield Science Museum. Read more

David Govatski, Refuge System Volunteer of the Year

Long-time volunteer and president of the Friends of Pondicherry received national award.

The National Wildlife Refuge Association received a two-year grant for invasive plant control in the Connecticut River Watershed. Read more

The Refuge recently entered into a two-year agreement with NRCS to help initiate conservation projects with willing landowners. Read more