
Professional Development

Launch your civilian career―or advance it―at VA. We have invested in comprehensive training and professional development programs to help you take your career to the next level.
  • Explore the VA for Vets Career Center to discover how your military experience translates into civilian opportunities, take self-assessments to learn where your strengths lie, and build professional resumes to apply to jobs matched to your skills.
  • My Career@VA is an online resource that offers current and potential employees a one-stop shop for career planning and exploration. This career development site helps users define career goals and provides guidance on training, education and professional experiences necessary to chart a successful, long-term career path at VA.
  • The VA Learning University (VALU) and HR Academy ensure our employees have the tools they need for professional development.
  • VA's Talent Management System is a full-service training platform with more than 30,000 courses to enhance on-the-job performance. New features include automated Individual Development Plans (IDPs), 360-degree evaluations, career competency models and automated performance plans. Employees now have access to a variety of blogs, social networks and podcasts for on-the-go learning.
  • Explore the VA for Vets training programs for our Veteran employees and support personnel.