
Professional Development

See How Far You Can Go at VA
Ready to advance your career at VA? We have invested in comprehensive training and professional development programs to help you take your career to the next level.

  • My Career@VA is an online resource that offers current and potential employees a one-stop shop for career planning and exploration. This career development site helps users define their career goals and provides guidance on the training, education and professional experiences necessary to chart a successful, long-term career at VA.

  • The VA Learning University (VALU) and HR Academy ensure our employees have the tools they need for professional development.

  • VA’s Talent Management System is a full-service training platform with more than 30,000 courses to enhance on-the-job performance. New features include automated Individual Development Plans (IDPs), 360-degree evaluations, career competency models, and automated performance plans. Employees now have access to a variety of blogs, social networks and podcasts for on-the-go learning.

  • The Veteran Employment Services Office manages the VA for Vets program, working to enable more Veterans (particularly severely injured Veterans returning from Afghanistan and Iraq) to join VA. It also empowers managers and supervisors to hire talented Veterans for open positions.

See for yourself. Explore the VA for Vets training programs for our Veteran employees and support personnel.