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Industrial Drums

An industrial drum is a cylindrical container used for shipping and storing liquid or solid materials. According to the Plastic Drum Institute (PDI), between 12 and 15 million plastic drums are manufactured annually. Most drums are used to ship chemical and petroleum products. Steel, plastic, and pressed fiberboard drums can be manufactured with recovered steel, HDPE, and paperboard, respectively.

Recommended Recovered Materials Content Ranges

EPA's Recovered Materials Advisory Notice (RMAN) recommends recycled-content levels for purchasing industrial drums as shown in the table below.

EPA's Recommended Recovered Materials Content Levels for Steel, Plastic, and Fiber Industrial Drums ¹
Product Material Postconsumer Content (%) Total Recovered Materials Content (%)
Steel drums Steel² 16 25-30
Plastic drums HDPE 30-100 30-100
Fiber drums Paper 100 100

¹EPA's recommendations do not preclude a procuring agency from purchasing another type of industrial drum. They require that a procuring agency, when purchasing industrial drums made from steel, plastic, or fiber, purchase these items made with recovered materials when they meet applicable specifications and performance requirements.

²The recommended recovered materials content levels for steel in this table reflect the fact that the designated items are made from steel manufactured in a Basic Oxygen Furnace (BOF). Steel from the BOF process contains 25-30% total recovered materials, of which 16% is postconsumer steel.

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Product Specifications:

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Product Information:

Database of Manufacturers and Suppliers
This database identifies manufacturers and suppliers of industrial drums containing recovered materials.

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Additional Links:

2007 Buy-Recycled Series: Miscellaneous Products (PDF) (7 pp, 146K, About PDF)
This fact sheet highlights miscellaneous products designated in the CPG, including industrial drums, and includes recommended recovered-content levels and a list of resources.

Technical Background Document (PDF) (215 pp, 381K, About PDF)
This background document includes EPA's product research on recovered-content industrial drums as well as a more detailed overview of the history and regulatory requirements of the CPG process.

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