Directorate of Plans, Training, Mobilization and Security

develops contingency plans to transition to war; to counter or mitigate the effects of destructive weather; and contain civil disturbances.

Directorate of Plans, Training, Mobilization and Security

The DPTMS develops contingency plans to transition to war; to counter or mitigate the effects of destructive weather; and contain civil disturbances. We operate Life Support Areas (LSA) that support Republic of Korea and US forces as they transition into and out of training areas during local and theater-wide training exercises. The DPTMS develops and publishes Operations Orders (OPORD), Fragmentary orders (FRAGO) and other documents to coordinate activities within the garrison. DPTMS plans, monitors, and (in some cases) conducts training required for Soldiers and civilian employees.

The USAG-RC Anti-Terrorism Officer (ATO) develops and exercises the Antiterrorism plan to assure security of the garrison. The ATO coordinates with unit ATOs and synchronizes with the IMCOM-Korea ATO Office to ensure plans are thorough and complete.

The Security and Intelligence office is responsible for personnel and installation security management and analyzes current threat conditions.
On order, the DPTMS activates the Installation Operations Center (IOC) to provide our commander situational awareness of ongoing military and civil operations within our area of operations. The IOC quickly assembles and presents items from the Commander's Critical Information Requirements (CCIR) and transmits Serious Incident Reports (SIR) when required. The IOC maintains secure and non-secure communications with our higher headquarters, the USAG-RC staff and tenant unit commanders.

In the event of hostilities or imminent danger, the U.S. Department of State may order an evacuation of noncombatant personnel. To prepare for this potential, and determine the number of possible evacuees, USFK conducts bi-annual Noncombatant Evacuation Operations (NEO) exercises. DPTMS coordinates closely with the 2nd Infantry Division, the lead agency for NEO, and provides support including training, facilities and equipment to operate the Evacuation Control Centers (ECC). For more information about NEO to 2ID’s web page.

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Date created: 10/7/2010 1:27:54 PM
Date last updated: 11/2/2012 7:03:44 PM