Tag Archives: budget

Secretary Duncan Testifies on Across-the-Board Budget Cuts

Earlier today Secretary of Education Arne Duncan testified on Capitol Hill about the impact of budget cuts called sequestration. Sequestration would mandate across-the-board cuts to the federal budget that will go into effect in January if Congress doesn’t act. While … Continue reading

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Duncan Heads to Capitol Hill for Budget Hearings

“We must come together as a country to make sound, bipartisan investments in education,” Secretary of Education Arne Duncan said earlier today at a budget hearing on Capitol Hill. “It is unconscionable for us to ask a generation of students … Continue reading

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Budget Questions? Join Asst. Secretary Carmel Martin for #AskED Twitter Q&A

THIS TWITTER Q&A HAS BEEN CANCELLED. Yesterday, the Obama Administration released its 2013 budget request, which included new investments in education. The budget seeks to make college more affordable, align job training and education with the demands of the workforce, … Continue reading

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2013 Education Budget: What it Means For You

Continuing its commitment to education and an America built to last, the Obama Administration released its 2013 budget proposal to Congress today. It includes new education investments that will give U.S. students and workers the education and training they need … Continue reading

Posted in Community Colleges, Federal Student Aid, Headlines, News, Race to the Top, Teachers, Teaching Profession | Tagged , , | 3 Comments

Duncan Heads to the Hill for Budget Hearing

“You can’t sacrifice the future to pay for the present, and nothing is more important to a family’s future—and our future as a nation—than education,” Secretary Duncan said during his opening statement before the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor, Health … Continue reading

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ED Releases FY 2011 Budget Tables

The Department of Education posted new budget tables today showing final program funding levels for the remainder of the 2011 fiscal year. The Obama administration had to accept some very difficult budget cuts in the continuing resolution that Congress passed … Continue reading

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Helping States Address Budget Pressures

Across the country, governments at every level are facing enormous financial pressures. Many school districts are facing layoffs, reductions in state funding, and massive budget deficits. Secretary Duncan calls these challenging financial times “The New Normal,” and to assist states, … Continue reading

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Duncan Visits Capitol Hill For Budget Hearing

Earlier this morning, Secretary Arne Duncan testified before the Senate Budget Committee regarding President Obama’s Fiscal Year 2012 Budget Proposal.  The Secretary noted that the proposed budget reflects the Obama administration’s dual commitment to not only reduce spending and increase … Continue reading

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President Discusses Budget

At 12:30 pm ET today, Secretary Duncan and other ED officials will brief stakeholders on the President’s 2012 budget for the Department of Education. Watch it live. This morning President Obama visited a school in Baltimore County, Maryland, where he … Continue reading

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