
Siemens Invests in U.S. Wind Power

Siemens, the third largest wind manufacturer in the U.S. and a leader in off-shore wind turbine production, announced in August 2006 its purchase of a wind turbine blade manufacturing site in Fort Madison, Iowa - the company’s first wind turbine production facility in the United States.

“We have been investing and growing our business in America for over 100 years – investing $25 billion in the last 10 years alone.” 

“We think our Fort Madison plant is a fantastic example of how, with the right policy and market support, we are able to invest in and revitalize America's manufacturing base." 

--Peter Loescher, President and CIO, Siemens AG

In addition to its investment in Fort Madison, Siemens started construction in the fall of 2009 on a new facility in Hutchinson, Kansas, with 400 jobs, and in March announced a new gas turbine manufacturing facility that will be built at its site in Charlotte, North Carolina, where another 825 new jobs will be created.


  • Fort Madison employs 600 employees
  • Siemens opened Hutchinson plant in 2010, employs 130 people