Perinatal/Infant Health

For up-to-date interactive data tables and mapping of health indicators, please visit the Online Analytical Statistical Information System (Oasis).

Raw Data

GA SIDS Mortality and Back Sleeping Rates
Various graphs and charts depicting data from 1985 to 1997.

Data with Text

The Challenge of Change: A Mid-Decade Look at Maternal and Child Health in Georgia (1999)  PDF
Status of maternal and child health in Georgia during the mid-1980's.

Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System
Population-based data from 1993-1997 for women in Georgia.

Teen Births and Pregnancies
Presents the data for 1990-1997 on the number of Georgia teens who had a reported fetal death, induced abortion, or live birth, and corresponding rates.

Infant Mortality in Georgia
Presents the data for 1990-1997 on infant mortality in Georgia.

Birthweight-Specific Fetal and Infant Mortality Rates
Tabulations of birthweight-specific fetal and infant mortality rates by health district and race for the 1994-1996 birth cohorts.

Trends in Low Birthweight and Prematurity
Tabulations which provides information on trends in low birthweight for all white, and black infants, for the district and state levels.