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Treasury Securities Issued by the Bureau of the Public Debt1613dAmortization of Disc. and Prem. on U. S. 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Receivable - Transferred4082ZAllocations of Realized Authority - To Be Transferred From Invested Balances - Transferred4083=Transfers - Current-Year Authority - Receivable - Transferred4111Debt Liquidation Appropriations4112(Liquidation of Deficiency Appropriations4114+Appropriated Trust or Special Fund Receipts4115Loan Subsidy Appropriation41163Entitlement Loan Subsidy Appropriation - Indefinite4117)Loan Administrative Expense Appropriation4118'Re-estimated Loan Subsidy AppropriationM4119Other Appropriations Realized4120'Appropriations Anticipated - Indefinite41211Loan Subsidy Appropriation - Indefinite - Current41229Authority Adjusted for Interest on Public Debt Securities4123WAmount Appropriated From Specific Treasury Managed Trust Fund TAFS-Receivable Rescinded4124VAmount Appropriated From Specific Treasury Managed Trust Fund TAFS - Payable Rescinded41253Loan Modification Adjustment Transfer Appropriation4126NAmounts Appropriated from Specific Treasury-Managed Trust Fund TAFS-Receivable4127MAmounts Appropriated from Specific Treasury-Managed Trust Fund TAFS - Payable4128PAmounts Appropriated from Specific Treasury-Managed Trust Fund TAFS-Transfers-In20054129QAmounts Appropriated from Specific Treasury-Managed Trust Fund TAFS-Transfers-Out41307Appropriation to Liquidate Contract Authority Withdrawn4131(Current-Year Contract Authority Realized4132"Substitution of Contract Authority4133 Reductions of Contract Authority4134Contract Authority Withdrawn4135Contract Authority Liquidated41362Contract Authority to be Liquidated by Trust Funds4137Transfers of Contract Authority4138,Appropriation to Liqudate Contract Authority4139"Contract Authority Carried Forward4140#Substitution of Borrowing Authority4141)Current-Year Borrowing Authority Realized41426Current-Year Borrowing Authority Realized - Indefinite4143"Reductions of Borrowing Authority4144Borrowing Authority Withdrawn4145%Borrowing Authority Converted to Cash41461Actual Repayments of Debt, Current Year Authority4147.Actual Repayments of Debt, Prior Year Balances4148+Resources Realized from Borrowing Authority4149#Borrowing Authority Carried Forward4150Reappropriations4151TActual Capital Transfers to the General Fund of the Treasury, Current Year Authority4152QActual Capital Transfers to the General Fund of the Treasury, Prior-Year Balances4157dAuthority Made Available from Receipt or Appropriation Balances Previously Precluded from Obligation4158aAuthority Made Available from Offsetting Collection Balances Previously Precluded from Obligation4160.Anticipated Transfers - Current-Year Authority4165=Allocations of Authority - Anticipated from Invested Balances4166LAllocations of Realized Authority - To Be Transferred from Invested Balances4167FAllocations of Realized Authority - Transferred from Invested Balances4168\Allocations of Realized Authority - Not to be Transferred From Invested Balances - Rescinded4170"Transfers - Current-Year Authority4171:Non-Allocation Transfers of Invested Balances - Receivable41727Non-Allocation Transfers of Invested Balances - Payable4173;Non-Allocation Transfers of Invested Balances - Transferred4175HAllocation Transfers of Current-Year Authority for Non-Invested Accounts4176*Allocation Transfer of Prior-Year Balances4180+Anticipated Transfers - Prior-Year Balances4190Transfers - Prior-Year Balances4191JBalance Transfers - Extensions of Availability Other Than Reappropriations4192(Balance Transfers - Unexpired to Expired4195Transfer of Obligated Balances41995Transfer of Expired Expenditure Tranfers - Receivable4201"Total Actual Resources - Collected4210+Anticipated Reimbursements and Other Income42122Liquidation of Deficiency - Offsetting Collections4215:Anticipated Appropriation Trust Fund Expenditure Transfers4221(Unfilled Customer Orders Without Advance4222%Unfilled Customer Orders With Advance4225;Appropriation Trust Fund Expenditure Transfers - Receivable42306Unfilled Customer Orders Without Advance - Transferred42313Unfilled Customer Orders With Advance - Transferred4232IAppropriation Trust Fund Expenditure Transfers - Receivable - Transferred4233AReimbursements and Other Income Earned - Receivable - Transferred4234'Other Federal Receivables - Transferred200642513Reimbursements and Other Income Earned - Receivable42522Reimbursements and Other Income Earned - Collected4255:Appropriation Trust Fund Expenditure Transfers - Collected4260.Actual Collections of "governmental-type" Fees4261(Actual Collections of Business-Type Fees4262$Actual Collections of Loan Principal4263#Actual Collections of Loan Interest4264Actual Collections of Rent42653Actual Collections from Sale of Foreclosed Property4266?Other Actual Business-Type Collections from Non-Federal Sources4267EOther Actual "governmental-type" Collections from Non-Federal Sources4271%Actual Program Fund Subsidy Collected4272=Actual Program Fund Subsidy Collected - Indefinite -Permanent4273 Interest Collected from Treasury4274<Actual Program Fund Subsidy Collected - Indefinite - Current4275(Actual Collections from Liquidating Fund4276&Actual Collections from Financing Fund4277"Other Actual Collections - Federal4281&Actual Program Fund Subsidy Receivable4282?Actual Program Fund Subsidy Receivable - Indefinite - Permanent4283!Interest Receivable from Treasury4284=Actual Program Fund Subsidy Receivable - Indefinite - Current4285$Receivable from the Liquidating Fund4286"Receivable from the Financing Fund4287Other Federal Receivables4290RAmortization and Market Adjustment- Investments in U.S. Treasury Zero Coupon Bonds200843100Anticipated Recoveries of Prior-Year Obligations4320GAdjustments for Changes in Prior-Year Allocations of Bugetar<y Resources4350Canceled Authority4351GPartial or Early Cancellation of Authority With a U.S. Treasury Warrant43557Cancellation of Appropriation From Unavailable Receipts43564Cancellation of Appropriation From Invested Balances4357TCancellation of Appropriated Amounts Receivable From Invested Trust or Special Funds4382`Rescision - New Budget Authority - Special and Trust TAFS Designated by Treasury as "Available"4383ZRecission - Prior-Year - Special and Trust Fund TAFS Designated by Treasury as "Available"4384YRescinded Amounts Appropriated in Special/Trust Funds Designated by Treasury as Available4386rAuth. Permanently Unavailable for Obligation Purs. to PL- Special & Trust TAFS Designated by Treas. as "Available"4387TTemporary Reduction of Appropriation From Unavailable Receipts, New Budget Authority4388STemporary Reduction of Appropriation From Unavailable Receipts, Prior-Year Balances4391+Adjustments to Indefinite No-Year Authority4392"Rescissions - New Budget Authority4393Rescissions - Prior-Year43943Receipts Unavailable for Obligation Upon Collection4395HAuthority Unavailable for Obligation Pursuant to Public Law - Temporary4396HAuthority Permanently Unavailable for Obligation Pursuant to Public Law4397AReceipts and Appropriations Temporarily Precluded from Obligation4398<Offsetting Collections Temporarily Precluded from Obligation4399SSpecial and Trust Fund Refunds and Recoveries Temporarily Precluded from Obligation4420,Unapportioned Authority - Pending Rescission4430&Unapportioned Authority - OMB Deferral4450Unapportioned Authority4510Apportionments45902Apportionments Unavailable - Anticipated Resources4610Allotments - Realized Resources4620.Unobligated Funds Not Subject to Apportionment4630-Funds Not Available for Commitment/Obligation4650Allotments - Expired Authority4690:Anticipated Resources - Programs Exempt From Apportionment4700 Commitments47200Commitments - Programs Exempt From Apportionment4801(Undelivered Orders - Obligations, Unpaid48022Undelivered Orders - Obligations, Prepaid/Advanced48314Undelivered Orders - Obligations Transferred, Unpaid4832>Undelivered Orders - Obligations Transferred, Prepaid/Advanced4871UDownward Adjustments of Prior-Year Unpaid Undelivered Orders- Obligations, Recoveries4872fDownward Adjustments of Prior-Year Prepaid/Advanced Undelivered Orders- Obligations, Refunds Collected4881IUpward Adjustments of Prior-Year Undelivered Orders - Obligations, Unpaid4882SUpward Adjustments of Prior-Year Undelivered Orders - Obligations, Prepaid/Advanced4901&Delivered Orders - Obligations, Unpaid4902$Delivered Orders - Obligations, Paid4903$Authority Outlayed Not Yet Disbursed490849312Delivered Orders - Obligations Transferred, Unpaid4971SDownward Adjustments of Prior-Year Unpaid Delivered Orders- Obligations, Recoveries4972WDownward Adjustments of Prior-Year Paid Delivered Orders- Obligations, Refund Collected4981EUpward Adjustments of Prior-Year Delivered Orders-Obligations, Unpaid4982EUpward Adjustments of Prior-Year Delivered Orders - Obligations, Paid Report YearSGL Account NumSGL Account Description Debit/Credit Code Balance CodeTransfer Agency Transfer AccountTransfer to From Apport Cat IndAport Cat B Ind Reimb IndYr of Budget Auth Def/Indef Ind Bea Cat IndBorrowing Source IndPrior Year Adj Advanced Ind Authority IndDeficiency Ind Avail IndPublic Law IndOMB Function IndUnexpired Expired IndTransaction Partner*Standard General Ledger Account Attributes -Y 9 E< h } gk - = ]  (T^I?# !G"s@#l&$R$%&' )(*z+,-H.P//P1X 92A A3I 64> 4 G5Occ  (V;j"2$FD  dMbP?_*+%MHP LaserJet 2200 Series PCL4C odXXLetterDINU"4MԽ "dXX??U} I}  } Z} I}  }  }  } } } $} } I } I }  } $ }  } }  } I } $ } } $}         2 { | } ~                          ~ `@                             ~ `@                             ~ `@                             ~ `@                             ~ `@                             ~ `@                             ~ `@                             ~ `@                        ~ `@                        ~ `@  !                      ~ `@ " #                      ~ `@ $ %                      ~ `@ & '                           ~ `@ ( )                         *  ~ `@ + ,                         *  ~ `@ - .                           ~ `@ / 0                           ~ `@ 1 2                           ~ `@ 3 4                          5 ~ `@ 6 7                           ~ `@ 8 9                           ~ `@ : ;                           ~ `@ < =                           ~ `@ > ? 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