August 2012Promoting Good Governance Project

USAID is working with the OSCE, the Serbian National Assembly and government agencies to strengthen governmental accountability.

Project funded by:

U.S. Agency for International Development; USAID/Serbia

Project implemented by:

The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe’s Mission to Serbia

Key counterparts:

National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia;
Anti-Corruption Agency;
Public Procurement Office;
local self-governments;
and others

Where we work:

Throughout Serbia

Project duration:

October 2010 to July 2012


Cakorska 6, 11000 Belgrade
Phone: +381-11 360-6195
Fax: +381-11 360-6291


The Promoting Good Governance Project is a two-year effort to develop the technical capacities of anti-corruption institutions, the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia, local government and civil society organizations (CSOs). It is strengthening accountability mechanisms and citizens’ participation.

The project, a partnership between USAID and the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), is building the capacities of public institutions, officials and civil society to ensure good governance by improving the legislative framework, enhancing public accountability and parliamentary oversight mechanisms, and promoting best practices in public accountability.


The Promoting Good Governance Project takes a comprehensive approach by:
Improving the legislative framework
The project supported the drafting of by-laws for the Law on Political Party Financing and the Code of Ethics for Members of Parliament.
Capacity development for institutions
The project targeted areas most in need and provided support to officials ensuring public accountability.
Promoting best practices in combating corruption
The project assisted Parliament, the Anti-Corruption Agency and other institutions involved in promoting public accountability and made their work more visible to the public.
Support to independent anti-corruption institutions and civil society organizations
Implementing Partner Agreements were provided to selected civil society and local self-government beneficiaries for projects aimed at increasing public accountability and participation mechanisms.


  • Forums have been organized for public officials and CSOs to educate them about the work of the Anti-Corruption Agency and introduce the corruption risk-analysis tool “integrity plans.”
  • Trainings have been held to familiarize local self-government officials with public procurement rules and regulations to increase efficiency in this area.
  • Eleven sub-grants were issued to local self-governments and CSOs to improve governance and public accountability.
  • Recommendations for improvement of the public hearing mechanism was drafted and presented to Members of Parliament and NGOs.
  • The project organized a study tour to the Slovenian Parliament and State Court of Audit for the Parliamentary Finance Committee. This subsequently resulted in the development of a guidebook for processing audit reports in Serbia, which has improved parliamentary oversight.