Tree nursery in a village in Kampong Speu, Cambodia.
Photo: Sothira Seng, Forum Syd

COP17 and the way forward

The UN Climate Change Conference COP 17 in Durban has ended. A lot of work lies ahead. The meeting gathered the world's governments and organizations in Durban to further discuss the implementation of the UNFCCC and reduced emissions. Sida participated as an advisor to the Swedish negotiation delegation on issues related to interventions in developing countries, such as capacity building and adaptation.

Hamida Khatun med sin elvaåriga dotter Samia utanför skolan. Hamida har engagerat sig i skolan och nu hör den till de bästa i regionen.
Photo: Therese Arnstorp

People first

We are committed to enabling people to get a better life. The individual person is always the focus of our work. Here you will meet some people involved in Swedish development assistance. Let them explain how their situation has changed.

Innovations Against Poverty
Photo: IAP

Hundreds of companies apply for Sida funding

Innovations Against Poverty attracted well over 230 companies when the second application round came to a close end of November. Through the programme, companies can get financial support and advice on inclusive business models.


International Training Programmes

As part of Sida's work with capacity and institutional development Sida offers international training programmes (ITP) for participants from low-and middle-income countries in priority areas. ITP's methodology takes account of the desire to develop and reform that the participants' organization have expressed in their application to the program.

Sida's publications
Photo: Helena Landstedt

Publications database

Search our publications database to find reports, evaluations, country strategies and much more.

Open Aid
Open Aid
Photo: Sida

Sweden's aid - open and internationally comparable is a web-based information service about Swedish aid built on open government data. The data is published according to the international IATI-standard, which means that it is freely available and compatible with data from other countries and donors.

Camilita har utbildat sig till webdesigner på en skola för ungdomar från Nairobis slumområden. Sida arbetar i Kenya med urban utveckling, för att skapa bättre villkor för de fattiga i slummen.
Photo: Sven Torfinn/Panos

Do you have a question?

We have compiled some of the most frequently asked questions that we receive. Perhaps yours is among them?

High increase of Swedes confidence in aid organisations

Confidence in the process of how aid is implemented has never been higher in Sweden. This is demonstrated in the major statistical survey on aid that is carried out each year. The ratings have increased for all actors, particularly for civil society organisations and the EU.

Procurement Q&As

Q&A about procurement at Sida. What regulations apply? What if I submit after the deadline? How do I know what documents are required?
World map

Country information

Read about Swedens strategies for countries and regions.