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The White House recently issued this chart on declining U.S. reliance on foreign oil, to which we only add:

Thank you President Bush - your policies are working.


We rely on less foreign oil today because of a drilling boom on state and private property – not federally-controlled land. According to data from the Department of Interior, production on federal lands fell by double digits between 2010 and 2011, with natural gas dropping 11% and oil nearly 14%.

It was President Bush who ended the moratorium on offshore drilling and expanded federal leasing.  At the start of the Obama administration, the entire Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) was open to leasing. The administration’s new plan, however, closes the vast majority of the OCS. So thank you President Bush for helping America to reduce our reliance on foreign oil. If the Obama Administration would get out of the way, we could cut our imports from the Middle East even more.